Your Child's Hearing Loss: A Guide for Parents
First Edition
Debby Waldman, Jackson Roush
Details: 254 pages, B&W, Softcover, 6" x 9"
ISBN13: 978-1-59756-321-5
© 2010 | Available
From a mother whose daughter has hearing loss, and an audiologist with more than thirty years experience with deaf and hard-of-hearing children and their families, this comprehensive volume offers parents critical information on everything from technical information to practical and emotional support. Among the subjects covered are causes of hearing loss; testing and assessment; technical advances in hearing aids, FM systems, and cochlear implants; the role of specialists including audiologists, otolaryngologists, geneticists, and speech-language pathologists; advocating for your child's welfare in educational, social, and public environments; and practical solutions to everyday problems. Although aimed primarily at parents, it will also be useful to students and to professionals who work with children who have hearing loss, as it provides a window to the world of hearing loss from a family perspective.
"This is a must-have resource on hearing loss in children not only for parents, but also for professionals. ... It puts forth a realistic view of what parents of a child growing up with a hearing loss should know and come to expect and understand. The glossary is a good section for helping parents to understand the basics of audiology and the hearing profession. The resources section serves as a tool for both parents and professionals, but it particularly gives parents an option to do more research and enhance their understanding of hearing and hearing loss."
—Ahmad Alexander, BS (Louisiana Tech University), Doody's Review Service (2010)
Foreword by Richard Seewald, Ph.D.
Authors' Note
1. In the Beginning
2. What Is a Hearing Loss?
3. Assessment and Intervention
4. Hearing Aids and FM Systems
5. Cochlear Implants
6. The Care and Use of Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants
7. Accepting the Incomprehensible
8. Hearing Loss as a Part of Daily Life
9. Advocating for Your Child
10. Helping Your Hard-of-Hearing Child Learn
11. Advice from the Trenches
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