Vocal Technique: A Physiologic Approach
Second Edition
Jan Bickel
Details: 248 pages, B&W, Softcover, 8.5" x 11"
ISBN13: 978-1-94488-333-1
© 2017 | Available
For Instructors
Vocal Technique: A Physiologic Approach, Second Edition builds upon the premise firmly established in its first edition -- a singer who understands how his or her body functions when speaking and singing will necessarily be a better singer and teacher of singing. As such, it is the ideal text for voice classes and lessons at the university level as well as for voice lessons in the independent studio. Because it is so comprehensive, including anatomy, posture, breath management, physiology of tone production, achieving resonance, the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), classification of voices, health care for singers, a logical method for learning repertoire, stage deportment, and technology in the voice studio, it is also an excellent book for teaching vocal pedagogy.
This text provides the essential information regarding anatomic and physiologic functions connected with the speaking and singing process so that singers will learn to develop their technique fully and thus maintain optimal technical skill and vocal health throughout a long singing and/or teaching career. The technical aspects of singing are discussed in detail, giving the singer the tools to apply this technique to a wide variety of repertoire and languages. The author provides a thorough introduction to the IPA and its application to the English, Italian, French, German, and Castilian Spanish languages. The material provided here is supplemented with a PluralPlus companion website that provides the singing student and voice teacher with slide presentations on individual chapters; additional presentations on related aspects of practicing, interpretation, and performing; video demonstrations of vocal exercises; and a lengthy presentation on the classification of voices with links to professional performances for each vocal category.
New to the Second Edition
- A new chapter on Science and Technology in the Voice Studio, including links to sites providing equipment and software for the voice studio
- Updated illustrations detailing anatomy and physiologic function
- Every chapter has been updated to improve comprehensibility, especially the chapter covering the use of the IPA
- Significantly updated information on health and nutrition to reflect recent research in the field
- A list of recommended sources where singers and teachers can download free and/or inexpensive music for use in the voice class or studio
- Links to additional information sources, including links to performances related to the classification of voices
Preface. How to Use This Book Effectively
Singer Information Sheet
Chapter 1. Some Answers to Questions Before We Begin Developing a Vocal Technique
Chapter 2. Anatomy of the Singer's Instrument: Design and Function
Chapter 3. Establishing Correct Posture for Singing
Chapter 4. Breath Management for Singers
Chapter 5. The Physiology of Vocal Tone Production
Chapter 6. An Introduction to Articulation and Lyric Diction for Singers
Chapter 7. Developing Beautiful Tone Quality, Resonance, and Freedom
Chapter 8. Keeping Your Voice Healthy
Chapter 9. Beyond Vocal Technique: Becoming an Artistic Performer
Chapter 10. Science and Technology in the Voice Studio
Appendix I. Musical Terminology for the Voice Student
Appendix II. Music Reading Skills for Beginning Singers/Musicians
Appendix III. Vocal Performance Evaluation
Appendix IV. Practice Record Sheet for Voice Students
Appendix V. Sources for Art Song and Aria Repertoire for the Singer
Bibliography of Selected Reference Materials
Purchasers of this book receive complimentary access to supplementary materials hosted on a PluralPlus companion website.
- Audio recordings of performances
- Videos of vocal exercises
- PowerPoints
- Vocal and Diction exercises
- PDF Scores
- Worksheets
To access the materials, log in to the website using the URL and Access Code located inside the front cover of your copy of Vocal Technique: A Physiologic Approach, Second Edition.

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