The Six-Sound Song

First Edition

Warren Estabrooks

Details: 32 pages, Hardcover + CD

ISBN13: 978-088-200-215-6

© 2003 | Available

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The Six-Sound Song is a book that comes with a CD.


The inspiration for The Six-Sound Song came from the Ling Six-Sound Test, developed by Daniel Ling, PhD. The Ling Six Sounds (ah, oo, ee, sh, s, and m) are used with children who are deaf or hard of hearing. This test helps parents and professionals determine how effectively the child is able to hear all the sounds of speech through hearing aids, a cochlear implant, or both.

When very young children are learning to listen, sounds from the Ling Six-Sound Test can be used in various ways as Learning-to-Listen sounds. Each of these sounds can be associated with a variety of objects, events, actions, or situations in order to encourage the development of spoken language primarily through listening.

The Six-Sound Song expresses my personal joy in working with children all over the world who are deaf or hard of hearing, their families, and the professionals who guide them.

I extend my thanks to Hunter Jackson, of Toronto, Canada, and to his family for the gift of bringing the song to life through the ears, eyes, and the heart of a seven-year-old.

-Warren Estabrooks
January 2003

Warren Estabrooks

Warren Estabrooks, M.Ed., Dip. Ed. Deaf, LSLS Cert. AVT Emeritus is President and CEO of WE Listen International, a global consulting and professional training company located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  He is a subject matter expert in the fields of auditory-verbal practice, auditory rehabilitation, hearing loss in children and adults and professional training of related health care and education providers.   

Mr. Estabrooks is a founding Director of the A.G. Bell Academy for Listening and Spoken Language and Auditory-Verbal International (AVI).  He is an Honorary Director of Bundesverein für Auditiv-Verbale Therapie, Berlin (BVAVT) From 1980-2007, he was Director of the Auditory Learning Centre of the Learning to Listen Foundation, in Toronto.  From 1967-1980 he was a teacher at the Toronto District School Board (TDSB). He was a global consultant to Cochlear Corporation since 1989 with extensive international experience on every continent.  From 2012, he was a trainer of professionals in the Middle East and Africa (MEA).

He has been honored with many awards, including:  the Susann Schmid-Giovannini Award for international excellence in auditory-verbal practice, the Professional of the Year Award from the International Organization for the Education of the Hearing Impaired (IOEHI), the Dr. E.W. Wight Memorial Scholarship and the Peter R. Newman Humanitarian Award in recognition of his contribution to the world’s children who are deaf or hard of hearing and their families, and the inaugural International Service Award from the Alexander Graham Bell Association.  He is the distinguished patron of the Warren Estabrooks Centre (WISH) in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Sound Steps, London, UK, and is a life-long mentor to career professionals around the world.  He is included in the Canadian Who’s Who as a Canadian of Distinction. 

Mr. Estabrooks has made significant contributions to the literature including the following:  Auditory-Verbal Therapy for Parents and Professionals (1994), The ABC’s of AVT (1995), Cochlear Implants for Kids (1998), The Baby Is Listening (2000), 50 FAQs about AVT (50 Frequently Asked Questions About Auditory-Verbal Therapy) (2001), Listen to This! Volume I (2004), We Learned to Listen (2005), Listen to This! Volume II (2006), Auditory-Verbal Therapy and Practice (2006), 101 FAQs About Auditory-Verbal Practice (2012), Auditory-Verbal Therapy for Children with Hearing Loss and Their Families and the Practitioners who Guide Them (2016), and Auditory-Verbal Therapy:  Science, Research, and Practice (2020).

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