Smooth Talking: A Curriculum for School-Age Children Who Stutter
Second Edition
Nola Radford
Details: 204 pages, B&W, Manual + CD, DVD and Workbook, 8.5" x 11"
ISBN13: 978-1-59756-243-0
© 2010 | Available
Purchase Print Book
Price: $179.95
Smooth Talking is a comprehensive curriculum developed for speech-language pathologists who serve school-age children (7 to 14 years) who stutter. The curriculum incorporates mediated learning-cognitive strategies with behavioral techniques to promote effective management of stuttering. Its contents include:
- A clinician's manual, which was developed based on work with over forty school-age children, representing a diverse sample of children, including white, African American, and Mexican American children
- A student workbook with eye-catching illustrations, games, stories and poems
- An audio CD containing a listening/cognitive retraining message to be listened to during a quiet time or relaxation period
- A DVD demonstrating the curriculum
New to the second edition is a Spanish translation of the clinician workbook, not to mention the content representing over five years of research since the first publication of the curriculum. This is a time-proven product that can be readily incorporated into therapy to enhance successful therapy for children who stutter. Further, the manual has been revised to include results of recent case studies and a more in-depth review of pertinent literature, consistent with an evidence-based approach to speech training. Smooth Talking is also appropriate to use in advanced coursework for students majoring in speech-language pathology.

Smooth Talking Board Games
Nola Radford
ISBN13: 978-1-59756-395-6
© 2010 | Available