Preclinical Speech Science: Anatomy, Physiology, Acoustics, and Perception
Third Edition
Thomas J. Hixon, Gary Weismer, Jeannette D. Hoit
Details: 728 pages, Full Color, Hardcover, 8.5" x 11"
ISBN13: 978-1-63550-061-5
© 2020 | Available
For Instructors
Preclinical Speech Science: Anatomy, Physiology, Acoustics, and Perception, Third Edition is a high-quality text for undergraduate and graduate courses in speech and hearing science. Written in a user-friendly style by distinguished scientists/clinicians who have taught the course to thousands of students at premier academic programs, it is the text of choice for instructors and students. Additionally, it is applicable to a broad range of courses that cover the anatomy and physiology of speech production, speech acoustics, and swallowing as well as those that cover the hearing mechanism, psychoacoustics, and speech perception.
The material in this book is designed to help future speech-language pathologists and audiologists to understand the science that underpins their work and provide a framework for the evaluation and management of their future clients. It provides all the information students need to be fully ready for their clinical practicum training.
Key Features
- Describes scientific principles explicitly and in translational terms that emphasize their relevance to clinical practice.
- Features beautiful original, full-color illustrations designed to be instructive learning tools.
- Incorporates analogies that aid thinking about processes from different perspectives.
- Features "sidetracks" that contain clinical insights and relate interesting historical and contemporary facts to the discipline of speech and hearing science.
- Provides a framework for conceptualizing the uses, subsystems, and levels of observation of speech production, hearing, and swallowing.
- Includes material that is ideal for preparing both undergraduates and graduates for clinical study.
New to the Third Edition
- Three new, up-to-date, and comprehensive chapters on auditory anatomy and physiology, auditory psychophysics, and speech physiology measurement and analysis.
- All chapters fully revised, including updated references and new full-color, detailed images.
- Ancillary materials available on a PluralPlus companion website, including PowerPoint lecture slides, image bank, study guides, audio files, and case studies.
"Named to Doody's Core Titles in the Health Sciences - Speech, Language & Hearing 2020 list."
—Doody's (May 2020)
Chapter 1. Introduction
Focus of the Book
Domain of Preclinical Speech Science
Domain of Preclinical Hearing Science
Chapter 2. Breathing and Speech Production
Anatomy of the Breathing Apparatus
Forces of Breathing
Movements of Breathing
Control Variables of Breathing
Neural Control of Breathing
Ventilation and Gas Exchange During Tidal Breathing
Breathing and Speech Production
Variables That Influence Speech Breathing
Chapter 3. Laryngeal Function and Speech Production
Anatomy of the Laryngeal Apparatus
Forces of the Laryngeal Apparatus
Movements of the Laryngeal Apparatus
Control Variables of Laryngeal Function
Neural Substrates of Laryngeal Control
Laryngeal Functions
Laryngeal Function in Speech Production
Variables That Influence Laryngeal Function During Speech Production
Chapter 4. Velopharyngeal-Nasal Function and Speech Production
Anatomy of the Velopharyngeal-Nasal Apparatus
Forces of the Velopharyngeal-Nasal Apparatus
Movements of the Velopharyngeal-Nasal Apparatus
Control Variables of Velopharyngeal-Nasal Function
Neural Substrates of Velopharyngeal-Nasal Control
Velopharyngeal-Nasal Functions
Ventilation and Velopharyngeal-Nasal Function
Velopharyngeal-Nasal Function and Speech Production
Variables That Influence Velopharyngeal-Nasal Function
Chapter 5. Pharyngeal-Oral Function and Speech Production
Anatomy of the Pharyngeal-Oral Apparatus
Forces of the Pharyngeal-Oral Apparatus
Movements of the Pharyngeal-Oral Apparatus
Control Variables of Pharyngeal-Oral Function
Neural Substrates of Pharyngeal-Oral Control
Pharyngeal-Oral Functions
Speech Production: Articulatory Descriptions
Speech Production Stream: Articulatory Processes
Variables That Influence Pharyngeal-Oral Function
Chapter 6. Speech Physiology Measurement and Analysis
Measurement and Analysis of Breathing
Measurement and Analysis of Laryngeal Function
Measurement and Analysis of Velopharyngeal-Nasal Function
Measurement and Analysis of Pharyngeal-Oral Function
Health Care Professionals and Clinical Measurements
Chapter 7. Acoustics
Pressure Waves
Sinusoidal Motion
Complex Acoustic Events
Chapter 8. Acoustic Theory of Vowel Production
What Is the Precise Nature of the Input Signal Generated by the Vibrating Vocal Folds?
Why Should the Vocal Tract Be Conceptualized as a Tube Closed at One End?
How Does the Vocal Tract Shape the Input Signal?
What Happens to the Resonant Frequencies of the Vocal Tract When the Tube Is
Constricted at a Given Location?
Confirmation of the Acoustic Theory of Vowel Production
Chapter 9. Theory of Consonant Acoustics
Why Is the Acoustic Theory of Speech Production Most Accurate and Straightforward for Vowels?
The Acoustics of Coupled (Shunt) Resonators and Their Application to Consonant Acoustics
What Is the Theory of Fricative Acoustics?
What Is the Theory of Stop Acoustics?
What Is the Theory of Affricate Acoustics?
Acoustic Contrasts Associated with the Voicing Distinction in Obstruents
Chapter 10. Speech Acoustic Measurement and Analysis
A Historical Prelude
The Sound Spectrograph: History and Technique
Speech Acoustics Is Not All About Segments: Suprasegmentals
Digital Techniques for Speech Analysis
Chapter 11. Acoustic Phonetics Data
/h/ Acoustics
Acoustic Characteristics of Prosody
Chapter 12. Speech Perception
Early Speech Perception Research and Categorical Perception
Vowel Perception
A Summary of Speech Perception Theories
Speech Intelligibility
Why Should Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists Care About Speech Perception?
Chapter 13. Anatomy and Physiology of the Auditory System
Temporal Bone
Peripheral Anatomy of the Auditory System
Outer Ear (Conductive Mechanism)
Middle Ear (Conductive Mechanism)
Inner Ear (Sensorineural Mechanism)
Auditory Nerve and Auditory Pathways (Neural Mechanism)
Chapter 14. Auditory Psychophysics
Auditory Psychophysics
Psychophysics of Loudness
Psychophysics of Pitch
Psychophysics of Timbre
Psychophysics of Time
Psychophysics of Sound Localization
Chapter 15. Neural Structures and Mechanisms for Speech, Language, and Hearing
The Nervous System: An Overview and Concepts
Cerebral Hemispheres and White Matter
Subcortical Nuclei and Cerebellum
Brainstem and Cranial Nerves
Cortical Innervation Patterns
Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves
Nervous System Cells
Meninges, Ventricles, Blood Supply
Speech and Language Functions of the Brain: Possible Sites and Mechanisms
Chapter 16. Swallowing
Forces and Movements of Swallowing
Breathing and Swallowing
Neural Control of Swallowing
Variables That Influence Swallowing
Measurement and Analysis of Swallowing
Health Care Professionals
Name Index
Subject Index

Preclinical Speech Science Bundle (Textbook + Workbook)
Preclinical Speech Science Bundle (Textbook + Workbook), Third Edition is a high-quality textbook with companion workbook for undergraduate and graduate courses in speech and hearing science. Written in a user-friendly style by distinguished scientists/clinicians who have taught the course to thousands of students at premier academic programs, it is the text of choice for instructors and students. Additionally, it is applicable to a broad range of courses that cover the anatomy and physiology of speech production, speech acoustics, and swallowing as well as those that cover the hearing mechanism, psychoacoustics, and speech perception.
The material in the textbook is designed to help future speech-language pathologists and audiologists to understand the science that underpins their work and provide a framework for the evaluation and management of their future clients. It provides all the information students need to be fully ready for their clinical practicum training.
The third edition of the workbook reflects the changes found in the textbook and includes activities to correspond with the three new textbook chapters on Auditory Anatomy and Physiology, Auditory Psychophysics, and Speech Physiology Measurement and Analysis, as well as revised content throughout the existing chapters. It contains a variety of activities, including anatomical labeling, measurement of physiologic and acoustic data, interpretation of graphs, and the conduct of simple experiments (without the need for special equipment). Comprehensive answers are also included for each chapter.
Key Features
- Describes scientific principles explicitly and in translational terms that emphasize their relevance to clinical practice.
- Features beautiful original, full-color illustrations designed to be instructive learning tools.
- Incorporates analogies that aid thinking about processes from different perspectives.
- Features "sidetracks" that contain clinical insights and relate interesting historical and contemporary facts to the discipline of speech and hearing science.
- Provides a framework for conceptualizing the uses, subsystems, and levels of observation of speech production, hearing, and swallowing.
- Includes material that is ideal for preparing both undergraduates and graduates for clinical study.
New to the Third Edition Textbook
- Three new, up-to-date, and comprehensive chapters on Auditory Anatomy and Physiology; Auditory Psychophysics; and Speech Physiology Measurement and Analysis.
- All chapters fully revised including updated references and new full-color, detailed images.
- Ancillary materials available on a PluralPlus companion website including PowerPoint lecture slides, image bank, study guides, and audio files.
Ancillary materials available on a PluralPlus companion website include PowerPoint lecture slides, image bank, study guides, audio files, and case studies.
Purchasers of this print book receive complimentary access to supplementary materials hosted on the PluralPlus companion website.
To access the materials, log in to the website using the URL located inside the front cover of your copy of Preclinical Speech Science, Third Edition.
To access the student materials, you must register on the companion website and log in using the access code located inside the front cover of your textbook.
To access the instructor materials, you must contact Plural Publishing, Inc. to be verified as an instructor and receive your access code.
Email: instructormaterials@pluralpublishing.com
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