Pediatric Aerodigestive Disorders
First Edition
Kenan Haver, Matthew Brigger, Steve Hardy, Christopher Hartnick
Details: 600 pages, Full Color, ebook
ISBN13: 978-1-59756-777-0
© 2009 | Available
Featuring topics by a wide range health care professionals across the specialties who care for children with these disorders, Pediatric Aerodigestive Disorders presents a clinical set of problems that are disease, not specialty specific, and approaches them from the various standpoints of the different specialties to highlight how each can work together to identify a unified diagnosis and proper treatment.
This philosophy is based on a five-year experience between the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary and the Massachusetts General Hospital for Children, where a core team of pediatric otolaryngologists, pulmonologists, gastroenterologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, and speech-language pathologists see patients together, viewing them from differing perspectives, using different tests to arrive at diagnoses, and performing joint procedures as necessary.
The outcome is a book that is at once novel, exciting, and educational. It represents a cross-fertilization of thoughts and ideas from a seemingly diverse group of specialists that focuses on specific pediatric disease-based and pediatric voice pathology-based topics.
1. Rigid Laryngoscopy, Tracheoscopy, and Bronchoscopy Michael Wilhelm and Mark E. Boseley
2. Flexible Bronchoscopy Kenan Haver
3. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy in a Multidisciplinary Setting Stephen Hardy
4. Imaging of the Pediatric Airway Mary Elizabeth Cunnane and Paul Caruso
5. Pulmonary Function Testing in Children Kenan Haver
6. Anesthetic Management of Pediatric Aerodigestive Disorders Corey Collins and Charles J. Coté
7. Nasal and Nasopharyngeal Obstruction Matthew T. Brigger and Christopher J. Hartnick
8. Oral and Oropharyngeal Obstruction Sally Shott and Gresham Richter
9. Tonsillectomy and Tonsillotomy: Treating Common Obstructor Michael J. Cunningham
10. Laryngomalacia Gresham T. Richter and Dana M. Thompson
11. Vocal Fold Immobility Matthew T. Brigger and Christopher J. Hartnick
12. Subglottic Stenosis Matthew T. Brigger and Christopher J. Hartnick
13. Tracheomalacia and Tracheal Stenosis Gresham T. Richter, Christopher T. Wootten, and Michael J. Rutter
14. The Diagnosis and Management of Laryngeal Clefts Emily F. Rudnick and Andrew F. Inglis
15. Laryngopharyngeal Reflux: pH Probe, BRAVO, and Multichannel Intraluminal Impedance pH Monitoring Alessio Morley-Fletcher and Leonel Rodriquez
16. Extraesophageal Manifestations of GERD Benjamin D. Gold and Tejas R. Mehta
17. Chronic Cough in Children Christina V. Scirica and Kenan Haver
18. Eosinophilic Esophagitis: Gastrointestinal and Extraesophageal Manifestations Vincent A. Mukkada, Dana Thompson, and Glenn T. Furuta
19. Juvenile Onset Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis Matthew T. Brigger and Christopher J. Hartnick
20. Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Andrew J. Ives, Mellisa Dixon, Amelia Shoemark, Adam Jaffee, and Claire L. Hogg
21. Pediatric Swallowing Disorders: The Speech-Language Pathologists Perspective Jean E. Ashland and Cheryl J. Hersh
22. Aspiration and the Lung Colin Wallis and Donald Urquhart
23. Habit Cough Ceila E. Loughlin and Gerald M. Loughlin
24. Paradoxic Vocal Fold Motion Venu Divi, Mary J. Hawkshaw, and Robert T. Sataloff
25. Behavioral Medicine Approaches to Paradoxical Vocal Fold Movement and Habit Cough Abigail L. Donovan, Suzanne Bender, and Bruce J. Masek
26. Pediatric Voice Disorders Matthew T. Brigger and Christopher J. Hartnick
27. Evaluation of the Child with a Vocal Disorder Shirley Gherson and Barbara M. Wilson Arboleda
28. Diagnosis of Sleep Disordered Breathing: The Perspective of a Sleep Medicine Specialist Norman R. Friedman and Keith L. Cavanaugh
29. Noninvasive Ventilation Dean R. Hess