Measuring Voice, Speech, and Swallowing in the Clinic and Laboratory
First Edition
Christy L. Ludlow, Raymond D. Kent, Lincoln C. Gray
Details: 566 pages, Full Color, Spiral Bound, 7" x 10"
ISBN13: 978-1-59756-464-9
© 2018 | Available
For Instructors
Measuring Voice, Speech, and Swallowing in the Clinic and Laboratory provides a definitive reference and text for methods of measurement of voice, speech, and swallowing functioning and disorders. It was developed for measurement courses in speech-language pathology graduate and doctoral programs and is also an essential reference for practitioners or anyone who needs to make quantitative assessments of the systems involved. The goal of this text is to provide basic information on the instruments and measures commonly used for assessing and treating persons with disorders of voice, speech, and swallowing for clinical practice, research studies, and conducting clinical trials. New developments in electrical and magnetic stimulation for noninvasive stimulation of nerves, muscles, and the brain are provided for augmenting treatment benefits for persons with voice, speech, and swallowing disorders. Other new techniques included are electromyography, articulography, transcranial magnetic stimulation, functional MRI, fNIRS, DTI, and transcranial direct current stimulation for treatment applications.
The text includes methods for recording and analyzing speech, acoustics, imaging and kinematics of vocal tract motion, air pressure, airflow, respiration, clinical evaluation of voice and swallowing disorders, and functional and structural neuroimaging. Many of the methods are applicable for use in clinical practice and clinical research.
Key Features:
- More than 250 full-color images
- Summary tables to guide selection of instruments and measures for various applications
- Each chapter begins and ends with an overview and conclusion for review of content
- Appendices of measurement standards
Clinical investigators and clinicians wanting to measure voice, speech, and swallowing functions for clinical documentation will benefit from this book, as will students and professors. Measuring Voice, Speech, and Swallowing in the Clinic and Laboratory pulls together the necessary information on methods of measurement from different disciplines and sources into one convenient resource. Information on measurement in the fields of voice, speech, and swallowing is now readily available for training doctoral students and guidance of clinicians incorporating instrumental assessment into their practice.
"When I first received the book, I was surprised to find that it is a spirally-bound book. When I opened the book and first read the content coverage and the preface by the authors, then I am convinced that this is a well thought-through decision as this book is meant to be a reference book which clinicians and researchers have to flip through the book every now and then. So, this binding type will withstand the constant use of the book. Of course, the typesetting, binding and printing of a book determine how to attract readers. But the usefulness of a book is no doubt determined most importantly by the content. If you expect that this book would teach you how to carry out meaningful measurements, yes, it would. If you expect that this to be the "recipe" book, then it is not. This book is written by 3 serious and renowned scholars who have spent their professional life time just by researching, practicing and teaching measurement in speech, voice and swallowing science. So, the information in the book is state-of the-art references. When I said it is not a recipe book, this can be seen how the 3 authors included the basic understanding of signals properties, electricity basics and measurement principles as the first 3 chapters of the book. This gives a very important ground work for the understanding of how to make measurement and how to interpret the measures. Such information is fundamental to understand instrumental measurement and students, clinicians and researchers will find these chapters very helpful for understanding why certain measurements have to be done in such a way and not the other ways. The remainder of the book covers the muscular systems involved in voice and swallowing, basic speech science measurements that include acoustic, aerodynamic, imaging of voice and swallowing functions, and contemporary techniques in neuroimaging and neuro-intervention. All the information covering these wide range of areas are contained in this 550+ pages book with extensive references cited. I have no doubt that this will become one of the classics for the professions in speech-language pathology, otolaryngology, and speech science."
—Edwin Yiu, Professor of Speech & Hearing Sciences Voice Research Laboratory, The University of Hong Kong Fellow of American Speech Language and Hearing Association
Chapter 1. Signal and System Properties
Chapter 2. Basics of Electricity
Chapter 3. Principles of Measurement
Chapter 4. Muscle Systems of the Aerodigestive Tract
Chapter 5. Electrophysiology and Electromyography
Chapter 6. Acoustic Recordings of Speech and Other Sounds
Chapter 7. Acoustic Analysis of Speech
Chapter 8. Measurement of Perceptual Attributes and Latent Traits
Chapter 9. Visualizing or Imaging the Vocal (Aerodigetive) Tract
Chapter 10. Measuring Movement During Voice, Speech, and Swallowing
Chapter 11. Aerodynamics and Pulmonic Function
Chapter 12. Measuring Voice Disorders
Chapter 13. Measuring Swallowing Disorders
Chapter 14. Using Stimulation to Assess and Treat Voice, Speech, and Swallowing
Chapter 15. Measuring Brain Structure and Function with Neuroimaging
Appendix A. International System of Units
Appendix B. Conversions of Measurement Units
Appendix C. Standardized Reading Passages
Appendix D. Disinfection Standards for Clinical Devices

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Third Edition
Thomas J. Hixon, Gary Weismer, Jeannette D. Hoit
Details: 728 pages, Full Color, Hardcover, 8.5" x 11"
ISBN13: 978-1-63550-061-5
© 2020 | Available

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