Laryngology: A Case-Based Approach

First Edition

Jacqueline Allen, S.A. Reza Nouraei, Guri S. Sandhu

Details: 615 pages, Full Color, Softcover, 8.5" x 11"

ISBN13: 978-1-94488-359-1

© 2020 | Available


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Laryngology: A Case-Based Approach is an invaluable new text for clinicians and students covering evidence-based assessment and management of a full range of laryngological conditions. This unique text examines 55 common and rare cases and covers pediatric and adult patients. The cases are separated into four sections: pediatric, voice and airway, general/systemic, and dysphagia/swallowing.

Key Features

• More than 300 figures, most in full color, including surgical photos, endoscopic images, pathological micrographs, and various process charts/diagrams and decision trees.
• More than 30 video and audio files
• Laryngology’s leading experts have contributed their knowledge, expertise and experience to discuss the varied management options as they see it. 

The book also comes with access to a PluralPlus companion website, where readers can access video and audio files to enhance their understanding of cases in the book.

With its multitude of cases and related multimedia, Laryngology: A Case-Based Approach is must-have resource for otolaryngologists, laryngologists, phoniatricians, speech-language pathologists, as well as anesthesiologists with an interest in managing the difficult airway. 

This sample video from Chapter 32 shows an initial transoral stroboscopy demonstrating mild tremor and mid vocal fold thickenings. 


"This is an excellent option for learning and stands out among other laryngology books. These others discuss laryngology in the traditional manner, but the case-based approach allows for improved focus and a more ward-style learning opportunity. These types of books are directly translatable to the clinic/hospital setting and will help readers understand and know these conditions so they can better care for patients."
—Samuel Racette, MD, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, in Doody's Book Reviews

"This unique book was written based on the novel enquiry-based teaching method particularly to illustrate laryngology conditions. It contains both adult and paediatric pathology. Each chapter starts with one or more case scenarios along with other useful subheadings to explain the concept.
It is written in a manner which is easy to read and digest. The editors brought together leading experts and decision makers to share and discuss a range of key topics. World-renowned contributors executed their tasks very effectively by sharing their wealth of knowledge and experiences.
This book is good value for money, and online supplementary materials are also an excellent adjunct. This book provides a comprehensive approach to clinical laryngology incorporating anatomical, physiological, pathological, functional and structural aspects of laryngology. All chapters are up to date and provide extremely useful information. The chapters on Laryngeal Trauma, Evaluation and Management of Dysphonic Patient, and Benign Lesions of Larynx are particularly well written with lots of images. The Paediatric Laryngology chapter is an excellent addition and the chapter titled Principles of Phonosurgery highlights medical and surgical managements.
This book provides a multidisciplinary approach to clinical laryngology. Overall, it is extremely well written and densely illustrated with colour photographs and is exceptionally well put together with interrelated chapters. This book is an ideal reference book for all otolaryngologists, providing better understanding of clinical laryngology. It is also a very applicable addition to any ENT surgeon with an interest in laryngology.
This book will be useful for senior trainees, speech and language therapists, paediatric ENT consultants, laryngologists and head and neck surgeons."
—Jaiganesh Manickavasagam, Consultant Otolaryngologist, Ninewells Hospital & Dundee University/Medical School, in ENT & Audiology News (January 2021)





Section I. Pediatric


Chapter 1. Congenital Stridor

Christopher T. Wooten


Chapter 2. Laryngomalacia

Lluís Nisa and Kishore Sandu


Chapter 3. Laryngeal Cleft

Sophie G. Shay, Douglas Sidell, and Dinesh Chhetri


Chapter 4. Laryngeal Webs

Hannah Burns


Chapter 5. Pediatric Post-Intubation Airway Stenosis

Sarah N. Bowe and Christopher J. Hartnick


Chapter 6. Long-Segment Tracheal Stenosis

Michael J. Rutter and Claudia Schweiger


Chapter 7. Subglottic Haemangioma

James Johnston and Jacqueline Allen


Chapter 8. The Drooling Child

Silvia G. Marinone-Lares and Murali Mahadevan


Chapter 9. Supraglottic Cystic Lesion

Georgina Harris


Chapter 10. Pediatric Pharyngoesophageal Trauma Leading to Phagophobia

Mandy Henderson and Anna Miles


Chapter 11. Caustic Substance Ingestion in Children: New Management Strategies Versus Traditional Approaches

Ibrahim Uygun


Section II. Voice and Airway


Chapter 12. Phonotrauma Management

C. Blake Simpson and Raymond Brown


Chapter 13. Phonotrauma

VyVy N. Young


Chapter 14. Dysphonia and Hemorrhage in Singers

Kristina Piastro


Chapter 15. Vocal Fold Scar

Lesley F. Childs and Ted Mau


Chapter 16. Chronic Laryngeal Inflammation

Andree-Anne Leclerc and Clark A. Rosen


Chapter 17. Reinke’s Edema

Ken Mackenzie


Chapter 18. External Laryngeal Trauma

S.A. Reza Nouraei and Natasha Quraishi


Chapter 19. Laryngitis

Aaron J. Jaworek, Kranthi Earasi, and Robert T. Sataloff


Chapter 20. Tuberculosis of the Larynx

Nick Gibbons


Chapter 21. Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis Disease Progression in Pregnancy

Paul C. Bryson and Faez H. Syed     


Chapter 22. Vocal Granuloma

Declan Costello


Chapter 23. Anterior Glottic Webs

Matthew Broadhurst


Chapter 24. Assessment and Management of Vocal Fold Paresis in a Singer

Lisa D’Oyley, Emily Wilson, and Albert Merati


Chapter 25. Early Laryngeal Carcinoma Involving the Anterior Commissure

Mark G. Watson and Omar Mulla


Chapter 26. Laryngeal Dysplasia and Early Glottic Cancer

Valeria Silva Merea, Rebecca C. Nelson, and Michael S. Benninger


Chapter 27. Laryngeal Leukoplakia

Natasha Quraishi and Michael Petrou


Chapter 28. Irradiated Larynx and Voice Issues

Timothy M. McCulloch and Matthew R. Hoffman


Chapter 29. Laryngeal Chondrosarcoma
Jahangir Ahmed and Chadwin Al Yaghchi


Chapter 30. Bilateral Vocal Fold Mobility Impairment
Colin R. Butler


Chapter 31. Bilateral Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Injury and Selective Laryngeal Reinnervation
Kate J. Heathcote


Chapter 32. Atypical Spasmodic Dysphonia with Tremor

Daniel Novakovic


Chapter 33. Dysphonia in the Elderly
Hagit Shoffel-Havakuk and Michael M. Johns III


Chapter 34. Functional (Adaptive) Dysphonia: Considerations in Evaluation and Treatment
Rebecca Leonard


Chapter 35. Episodic Laryngeal Breathing Disorders

Andrée-Anne Leclerc and Clark A. Rosen


Chapter 36. Exercise-Induced Laryngeal Obstruction
Emil Schwarz Walsted, Andrew J. Kinshuck, and James H. Hull


Chapter 37. Inducible Laryngeal Obstruction

J. Selby and James H. Hull


Chapter 38. Treatment of Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis During Pregnancy

Robert J. Morrison and Alexander Gelbard


Chapter 39. Intubation-Related Tracheal Stenosis 

S.A. Reza Nouraei


Chapter 40. Rare Complication of a Percutaneous Tracheostomy

Aphrodite Iacovidou and Taranjit Singh Tatla


Chapter 41. Management of the Airway in Thyroid Disease

Jahangir Ahmed and Alasdair Mace


Section III. General/Systemic


Chapter 42. A Case of a Upper Respiratory Infection, Reflux, and Persistent Cough

Anne E. Vertigan


Chapter 43. Globus

Jacqueline Allen


Chapter 44. Anterior Glottoplasty for Voice Feminization
Marc Remacle and Anna Pamela C. Dela Cruz


Chapter 45. The Larynx in Systemic Inflammation

Angela Zhu, Jason Rudman, and David E. Rosow


Chapter 46. Pemphigus Vulgaris

Theodore Athanasiadis and Kimon Toumazos


Chapter 47. Relapsing Polychondritis and the Airway

Andrew J. Kinshuck and James H. Hull


Section IV. Dysphagia/Swallowing


Chapter 48. Impaired Laryngeal Response to Cough Reflex Testing

Maggie-Lee Huckabee, Phoebe Macrae, and Emma Wallace


Chapter 49. Voice and Swallowing Difficulties in Parkinsonian-type Multiple System Atrophy

Sebastian Doeltgen and Jane Bickford


Chapter 50. Lower Cranial Nerve Palsy

Maggie Kuhn


Chapter 51. Vagal Injury Following Ruptured Carotid Pseudoaneurysm

Anna Miles and Jacqueline Allen


Chapter 52. Dysphagia Following Head and Neck Cancer

Wendy Liu, Peter Loizou, and Faruque Riffat


Chapter 53. Neurologically Impaired Pharynx

Lacey Adkins, Melda Kunduk, and Andrew J. McWhorter


Chapter 54. Cricopharyngeal Dysfuncation

Ashli O’Rourke


Chapter 55. Systemic Sclerosis/CREST Syndrome and Swallow Dysfunction

Silvia G. Marinone-Lares and Jacqueline Allen



Jacqueline Allen

Jacqueline Allen, FRACS is a Laryngologist practicing in Auckland, New Zealand.  A graduate of the University of Auckland, Dr Allen worked in the United Kingdom before completing her specialist ORL training in 2007.  She then undertook Fellowship training at the Voice and Swallow Centre, University of California, Davis where she specialized in Voice and Dysphagia utilizing modern in-office techniques, endoscopy and laser surgery.  She returned to New Zealand in 2010 and established the Auckland Voice and Swallow Centre, and the Swallowing Lab at University of Auckland where these techniques have been put to use.  Dr Allen is a Board Member of the American Bronchoesophagological Association, Dysphagia Research Society, Laryngology Society of Australasia and is Section Editor of Current Opinion in Otolaryngology.  She has published more than 55 journal articles, 10 book chapters and is a reviewer for many international peer-reviewed journals.  She currently lives with her husband and daughter in Auckland.

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S.A. Reza Nouraei

S. A. Reza Nouraei, MBBChir, PhD, FRCS, FRCS (ORL-HNS) is the Robert White Professor of Laryngology and Clinical informatics at Southampton University and a consultant surgeon at the Robert White Centre for Airway Voice and Swallowing in Poole, England. He studied sensorimotor neurophysiology and medicine at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, and received higher surgical training in academic otolaryngology in London followed by an International Fellowship in Laryngology and Airway Surgery in Auckland, New Zealand. His clinical practice is exclusively focused on laryngology and his research efforts are divided between apnoeic nasal ventilation (Transnasal Humidified Rapid-Insufflation Ventilatory Exchange [THRIVE] which he first described with Anil Patel), big data analytics, and surgical invocation. 

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Guri S. Sandhu

Guri S. Sandhu, MBBS, MD, FRCS, FRCS (ORL-HNS), hon FRAM, is an ENT Surgeon, working out of Imperial College in London. He has a special interst in voice, airway and swallowing problems, with a large practice managing the problems experienced by professional voice users from stage, music and media. He is ENT surgeon to the Royal Society of Musicians and, for his services to music, he has been made Honorary Fellow at the Royal Academy of Music. Mr Sandhu has one of the largest practices in the world managing damaged airways and has carried out extensive research and poineered new surgical approaches. This has led to a Doctorate of Medicine (MD), as well as numerous research articles, book chapters and books. He is an enthusiastic teacher, lecturing and running workshops, nationally and internationally. He is co-founder of the British Laryngological Association and one of a few invited to be Corresponding Fellow to the American Laryngological Association.

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Purchase of Laryngology: A Case-Based Approach comes with access to supplementary materials on a PluralPlus companion website.

To access the materials, you must first register the access code printed on the inside front cover of your book on the companion website.

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