Fundamentals of AAC: A Case-Based Approach to Enhancing Communication
Second Edition
Nerissa Hall, Jenifer Juengling-Sudkamp, Michelle L. Gutmann, Ellen R. Cohn
Details: 600 pages, B&W, Softcover, 8.5" x 11"
ISBN13: 978-1-63550-773-7
© 2027 | Coming Soon
Release Date: 09/01/2025
For Instructors
Available for purchase starting 08/03/2025
Print Book: $94.95
eBook: $94.95
The second edition of Fundamentals of AAC: A Case-Based Approach to Enhancing Communication continues to be a course-friendly textbook designed to walk readers through the theoretical and clinical underpinnings of assessment, intervention, and consultation for individuals with complex communication needs across the lifespan. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) encompasses a variety of communication methods and is used by those with a wide range of speech and language impairments. With a consistent framework and descriptive case studies, as well as input from various stakeholders, readers can gain a comprehensive understanding of the needs of persons who use AAC and how to provide them with ethically and culturally considerate support.
Unlike other texts on this topic, this book empowers the reader to visualize AAC in action. Each chapter offers evidence-based information about the topic along with a case study. The case studies combined with short essays from various stakeholders illustrate the variety of ways in which AAC can enhance an individual’s connection with their communication partners and community, and the role of the speech-language pathologist as integral to this process.
Intended to easily translate into a 6-, 8-, or 13-week semester course, this textbook is divided into seven distinct sections:
- Section I provides an overview of AAC, no-tech, mid-tech, and high-tech AAC systems, as well as mobile technology and advancing technology.
- Section II discusses cultural and linguistic responsivity and how this underlies AAC systems and services.
- Section III reviews AAC assessment, intervention and implementation for toddlers, preschoolers, and school-aged individuals, along with goal-writing and data collection.
- Section IV covers assessment, intervention, and implementation for young adults and adults needing AAC.
- Section V offers the reader detailed information and rich examples of the application of AAC for persons with developmental disabilities.
- Section VI provides the theoretical foundation and exemplar case studies of AAC for persons with acquired disabilities.
- Section VII details consultation and training for various stakeholders, as well as tele-AAC services.
New to the Second Edition
- A chapter dedicated to AAC and literacy
- Updated information about technology advancements, including artificial intelligence, extended reality, and automation
- New photos and videos
- Updated intervention resources
- Report-writing tools
- Improved instructor tools
Key Features
- Overviews with key terms set the stage for each section
- 36 case studies with questions and visuals to clearly depict each case
- Boxes with practical tips and expert advice
PluralPlus Online Ancillaries
For instructors: Instructor's Manual, PowerPoint Slides
For students: Videos, And More

Fundamentals of AAC: A Case-Based Approach to Enhancing Communication.
First Edition
Nerissa Hall, Jenifer Juengling-Sudkamp, Michelle L. Gutmann, Ellen R. Cohn
Details: 545 pages, B&W, Softcover, 8.5" x 11"
ISBN13: 978-1-63550-353-1
© 2023 | Available