Dysphagia in Rare Conditions: An Encyclopedia
First Edition
Harrison Jones, John C. Rosenbek
Details: 736 pages, Full Color, eBook
ISBN13: 978-1-59756-747-3
© 2010 | Available
This is the first book to concentrate on dysphagia in rare conditions—those that occur infrequently or those that may occur more frequently but are only sometimes associated with dysphagia. Covering a wide range of conditions—from progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), through connective tissue disease, to conditions as diverse as West Nile virus—the editors and expert contributors efficiently synthesize the available information to provide the essentials needed to help clinicians to perform sophisticated assessments, based on their knowledge of both the conditions and the expected swallowing signs and treatments. Each entry covers the neurology of the given condition, including the signs and symptoms, neuropathology, epidemiology and genetics. Thereafter, coverage of swallowing in each condition examines the diagnostic signs and symptoms, etiology, swallowing neuropathology, associated cognitive, linguistic, and communicative signs and symptoms, special diagnostic considerations, treatment, nutrition, hydration, and medications.
1. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Caryn Easterling and Elizabeth Koster
2. Anterior Cervical Spine Surgery Ruth E. Martin, Sarah Trotter, and Kathy Czachorowski
3. Apraxia of Swallowing Stephanie K. Daniels
4. Avellis’ Syndrome Mario Prosiegel
5. Basedow’s Syndrome Gary McCullough
6. Bilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis Michelle Bernstein and Donna S. Lundy
7. Bipolar Affective Disorder Rebecca Sowman, Julie Regan, and Irene P. Walsh
8. Breast Cancer Jacqueline Hind, James Stewart, William Schelman, and JoAnne Robbins
9. Brueghel Syndrome Harrison N. Jones
10. Bulimia Barbara C. Sonies
11. Cancer of the Ethmoid Sinus Nadine Lawson
12. Carcinoma of the Major and Minor Salivary Glands Tessa Goldsmith
13. Cardiovocal Syndrome Kim Corbin-Lewis
14. Carotid Endarterectomy Roxann Diez Gross
15. Central Nervous System Vasculitis Catriona M. Steele
16. Central Pontine Myelinolysis Michael de Riesthal
17. Cervical Osteophytes Heather M. Clark
18. Chemoradiation for Head and Neck Cancer Darlene Graner
19. Chondrosarcoma of the Larynx Tessa Goldsmith
20. Collet-Sicard Syndrome Julie A. Y. Cichero
21. Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) Juli Trautman Pearson
22. Corticobasal Degeneration Neila J. Donovan
23. Dementia with Lewy Bodies Julie M. Liss, Kaitlin Lansford, and John N. Caviness
24. Dysarthria-Clumsy Hand Syndrome Deborah Theodoros
25. (Generalized) Dystonia Bruce E. Murdoch
26. Endotracheal Intubation Injury in the Critically Ill Lori M. Burkhead and Gregory N. Postma
27. Epiglottitis Cathy A. Pelletier
28. Esophageal Cancer Kimberly Woodruff Irby
29. Foreign Body Ingestion Justine J. Sheppard
30. Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration Yvonne Rogalski
31. Globus Susan G. Butler
32. Guillain-Barre Syndrome Karen J. Dikeman and Marta S. Kazandjian
33. Heart Transplant Carlee W. Jones
34. HIV/AIDS Cathy L. Lazarus
35. Huntington Disease Estelle R. Klasner
36. (Fractures of the) Hyoid Bone Roger Newman and Paula Leslie
37. Hyperthyroidism/Graves’ Disease Gary H. McCullough
38. Inflammatory Myopathies Cumhur Ertekin
39. Intellectual and Developmental Disability Justine J. Sheppard
40. Kennedy’s Disease Stacey A. Skoretz
41. (Partial) Laryngectomy Joseph Murray and Elizabeth Callaway
42. (Total) Laryngectomy Paula A. Sullivan and Teresa C. Brobeck
43. Laryngospasm Sabrina Cukier Blaj and Thomas Murry
44. Ludwig’s Angina Elizabeth Ward
45. Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Kylie Perkins
46. Meige Syndrome Harrison N. Jones
47. Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Disorders Angela T. Morgan and David Coman
48. Mixed Connective Tissue Disease Rosemary Martino
49. Multiple System Atrophy (MSA)Ryuzaburo Higo
50. Myasthenia Gravis Christen L. Shoesmith and Michael W. Nicolle
51. Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy Rebecca J. Leonard
52. Nasopharyngeal Carinoma Tessa Goldsmith
53. Nephropathic Cystinosis Barbara C. Sonies
54. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome Michelle S. Troche
55. Oculopharyngeal Muscular Dystrophy Phyllis M. Palmer
56. Oromandibular Dystonia Spyridon Papapetropoulos, Nektarios Papapetropoulos, and Alexandra Guevara Salcedo
57. Palatal Myoclonus Karen Wheeler Hegland
58. Paraneoplastic Syndromes Moya Anne Pattie
59. Post-Polio Syndrome Barbara C. Sonies
60. Primary Lateral Sclerosis Jill A. Marcus and Richard S. Bedlack
61. Progressive Bulbar Palsy Robert M. Miller and Deanna Britton
62. Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Michael J. Hammer
63. Psychogenic Dysphagia Margareta Ch. Bülow
64. Rhabdomyolysis Maura Solley
65. Rheumatoid Arthritis Kerry L. Lenius
66. Schizophrenia Julie Regan, Rebecca Sowman, and Irene P. Walsh
67. Skull Base Tumors Amy McNeal and Cathy L. Lazarus
68. Supracricoid Laryngectomy Jan S. Lewin, Katherine A. Hutcheson, Denise A. Barringer
69. Synovial Cell Sarcoma Tessa Goldsmith
70. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Kimberly R. Wilson
71. Tardive Dyskinesia Syndrome Justine J. Sheppard
72. (Dysphagia in) Tetanus Jennifer Horner and E. Wayne Massey
73. Thermal Body Burn and Inhalation Injury Cynthia M. DuBose
74. Tracheostomized Ventilator Dependent Individuals Julie A.G. Stierwalt
75. Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis Donna S. Lundy and Michelle Bernstein
76. Vagus Nerve Stimulation Olle Ekberg and Johan Lundgren
77. Wallenberg’s Syndrome Maggie-Lee Huckabee and Mario Prosiegel
78. Wegener’s Granulomatosis Celia Santini and Mitchell J. Freed
79. West Nile Virus Mark Hakel, Teresa Springer, and Susan Brady
80. Wilson’s Disease Ann-Louise Spurgin
81. Wound Botulism Associated with IV Drug Use Ernest Button
82. Zenker’s Diverticulum James L. Coyle

John C. Rosenbek, Ph.D. and Harrison N. Jones, Ph.D., Series Editors
Edited by John C. Rosenbek and Harrison N. Jones,this series comprises volumes with content aimed specifically at students, eager to learn best practices, and clinicians, ever alert to confirming that they are practicing state of the science and art care. Volumes cover:
- oropharyngeal dysphagia in stroke
- traumatic brain injury
- dementia
- head and neck cancer
- neurodegenerative diseases
- developmental disorders
- tumors of the nervous system
- cerebral palsy
- trach and ventilator dependent
- special populations
Each volume combines the best available evidence with the soundest lessons of clinical experience, thereby satisfying evidence-based practice’s major components. The books are necessarily focused but thoroughly inclusive: all possible contributions to an individual patient’s management are outlined. This series is rich in figures, tables, summaries, highlights of critical information, and stories from the clinic.
Clinical Dysphagia aims to contribute to dissemination of what is best about the art and science of oropharyngeal dysphagia management. We will know that aim has been reached when these volumes begin wearing holes in backpacks and lab coats.

The Adult Dysphagia Pocket Guide: Neuroanatomy to Clinical Practice
First Edition
Yvette M. McCoy, Tiffani Wallace
Details: 222 pages, B&W, Softcover, 4.5" x 8"
ISBN13: 978-1-63550-091-2
© 2019 | Available

Dysphagia Following Stroke
Third Edition
Stephanie K. Daniels, Maggie-Lee Huckabee, Kristin Gozdzikowska
Details: 500 pages, B&W, Softcover, 6" x 9"
ISBN13: 978-1-63550-030-1
© 2019 | Available

Videofluoroscopic Review of Swallowing: Biomechanics, Physiology, and Pathology
First Edition
Roger D. Newman, Julie Nightingale
Details: DVD
ISBN13: 978-1-59756-463-2
© 2012 | Available

Dysphagia in Neuromuscular Diseases
First Edition
Robert M. Miller, Deanna Britton
Details: 250 pages, B&W, Softcover, 7" x 10"
ISBN13: 978-1-59756-369-7
© 2011 | Available

Rare Disorders that Cause Dysphagia: A Guide for Speech-Language Pathologists
First Edition
Violet O. Cox
Details: 217 pages, B&W, Softcover, 6" x 9"
ISBN13: 978-1-63550-142-1
© 2020 | Available