Counseling in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology: Reconstructing Personal Narratives

Second Edition

Anthony DiLollo, Robert A. Neimeyer

Details: 360 pages, B&W, Softcover, 6" x 9"

ISBN13: 978-1-63550-298-5

© 2022 | Available

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Counseling in the field of communication disorders is an essential dimension of professional practice, but just what it entails is often a bit of a mystery. Counseling in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology: Reconstructing Personal Narratives, Second Edition addresses this common concern of students and practitioners by illustrating how to integrate the concept of counseling into clinical practice. Replete with a variety of case studies, clinical guidelines, and actual transcripts of counseling interventions with clients and their families, as well as a practical "toolbox" of specific counseling techniques, this graduate-level textbook offers a comprehensive, novel, and empirically informed approach to counseling, applicable to a broad range of speech, language, swallowing, and hearing disorders.

New to the Second Edition

  • 10 new chapters on the nature of change, critical thinking, culturally informed care, and preparing for the counseling relationship.
  • A new case illustration and three new “tools”.
  • A new Foreword by Sue Hale, MCD.
  • Reorganized for improved flow of information with earlier introduction of the central framework, followed by chapters to build foundational knowledge and skills. The central framework for counseling has been simplified and reconfigured for easier integration into clinical practice.
  • Based on user feedback, the “theory” chapters from the first edition have been dropped to make room for the added “knowledge and skill” chapters, giving the book a more practical feel.
  • Discussion topics have been added at the end of all chapters in Parts I, II, and III.New images and illustrations throughout. Updated to reflect current research, with many new references added.
  • A PluralPlus companion website containing brief video commentaries by the authors introducing and discussing the main points for each chapter and materials for instructors, including a test bank, customizable PowerPoint lecture slides, and suggestions for in-class activities.

From the Foreword

“The text clearly presents the necessary theoretical underpinning for the relationship between counseling and our technical interactions with clients and disabuses us of the notion that these processes are separate. In addition, the learner comes away with a variety of means to apply the theory in practice such that the client can understand and value their progress. The authors challenge us to use our technical expertise to create welcome change that our clients accept without struggle. They remind us that collaborations in the therapeutic relationship are less about what we say and do and more about how we listen. Teachers, learners, and professionals can all find immense value in this well-written empirical and practical work. It is an extraordinary and valuable tool for the next generation of clinician counselors.”
Sue T. Hale, MCD, Associate Professor, Retired, Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences, Vanderbilt University Medical Center


"The purpose of the book is to train readers in counseling using the authors' StAAR framework, which stands for client's story (St), clinician attitudes (A), therapeutic alliance (A), and reconstructed narratives (R). Training readers in counseling is a worthy objective since there is evidence that many graduate training programs do not adequately target this area of practice in their curricula. The authors meet their objective by providing a readable, well-organized, and practical training text in counseling.
This book targets graduate students training for the fields of speech-language pathology and audiology as well as professionals in these fields who want to improve their knowledge and skills in this crucial area of practice. The book is even accessible enough to be used in an undergraduate communication sciences and disorders program. It is written by Anthony DiLollo, a professor in communication sciences and disorders with a robust publication record in counseling, and Robert Neimeyer, a professor emeritus of psychology.
The book is broken into 26 chapters and organized into four parts. Part 1 introduces the StAAR framework. Part 2 provides the underlying knowledge and skills needed for practicing counseling. For example, there is a chapter connecting cultural diversity to counseling. Part 3 shows counseling in action using the StAAR framework using three illustrative case studies. Part 4 covers various tools that clinicians can use in counseling, such as play therapy and mindfulness techniques. Each chapter is clearly organized and illustrated with black-and-white figures and tables as well as discussion questions and up-to-date reference lists. There are author and subject indexes at the end of the book.
The authors have reorganized and added much to this book since the first edition, including the companion website and its materials. Overall, this second edition is extremely accessible to the readers as shown by its clear writing and organization. It is an extremely useful and practical text where the authors make a serious attempt to show counseling in action so readers can better apply the material to real-life professional situations."
—Matthew H. Rouse, MS, SLPD, CCC-SLP, Biola University, in Doody's Reviews (April 2021)

“The 360-page comprehensive text Counseling in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology: Reconstructing Personal Narratives (2nd Edition) should be required reading for students in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology. It provides a wonderful, thoughtfully written, well-referenced text and associated learning opportunities for students and clinicians’ alike. The authors bring their years of experience as educators to write about an up-to-date, evidential approach to counseling in a well-structured way. Each chapter scaffolds learning, and application of knowledge acquired. The case examples are reflective of common clinical encounters. ...The authors reinforce several important aspects of counseling and reiterate them throughout the text. The first is that “... counseling can be seen as a way of being with clients rather than a set of skills or techniques... It implies that counseling is woven into the fabric of what audiologists and speech-language pathologists do and is not something that is added to “regular” therapy …” . The authors reinforce for students that the best clinical care “starts where the clients are, not where we are” (p. 120). Finally, a well-developed theoretical framework (the StAAR framework) is provided and built upon throughout the text that reinforces that counseling within speech-language pathology and audiology must attend to the client’s story (St), clinician attitudes (A), therapeutic alliance (A), and reconstructed narratives (R). The text includes discussions about the World Health Organizations International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, and the Transtheoretical Model of Change. ...What I find especially helpful and wonderful about this text is that it provides rich, “thick descriptions,” highlights case examples and provides 13 “clinician’s tools” with instructions for their application(s) in separate chapters that clinicians can have in their “toolbox” for everyday clinical practice. The text includes a companion website for students and instructors with videos, PowerPoint slides, and instructor materials to facilitate teaching and learning […]
In summary, Counseling in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology: Reconstructing Personal Narratives (2nd Edition) is a current and much needed resource for audiology and speech-language pathology and reflects current, desired evidence-based practice. It will help students, clinicians, and educators to combine evidence-based practice in counseling, with their expertise and a client’s preferences and values to provide better audiology and speech-language pathology care across the lifespan.”

Sheila T.F. Moodie, BSc, MCISc, PhD, Western University, in Canadian Audiologist (November 2021) 

Praise for the First Edition

"The strength of the text is that the authors have synthesized several approaches to counseling in a way that is not at all confusing or intimidating for students, and in the process they provide a strong message that effective counseling is well within the capability of the SLP. Many authors have said 'You should do this,' but DiLollo and Neimeyer make a convincing case for  'You CAN do this.' That's been the crux of my counseling course for years!"
Robert A. Volin, Associate Professor, Speech-Language Pathology, New York Medical College

"Counseling in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology by DiLollo and Neimeyer is an invaluable resource for experienced clinicians, new graduates and students in the field of speech pathology and audiology. This book takes readers on a journey, aiming to empower them to challenge their thinking and understanding of counseling, focusing on a constructivist-narrative perspective. The structure of this book makes it engaging and user-friendly. The passion of both authors for this topic is evident through their engaging, descriptive writing style."
Ashleigh Pascoe, in the Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology (2015)

"This text has been an important component for student learning in both our Counseling in Communication Disorders class and in the university clinic. The StAAR Framework facilitates the connection between principles and clinical practice. The Clinician Toolbox is a wonderful resource. A graduate student and I recently used one of the tools (Autobiography of the Problem) with a 73-year-old gentleman who embraced the exercise which helped him advance in his self-selected cognitive and affective goals."
—Amy J. Hadley, Ed. D., CCC-SLP, Stockton University (October 2021)

Foreword by Sue T. Hale, MCD

Part I. Introduction 
Chapter 1.     Counseling in Communication Disorders
Chapter 2.     The StAAR Framework for Counseling in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology 

Part II. Foundations for Successful Counseling
Chapter 3.    Understanding the Nature of Change
Chapter 4.    The Leadership of Therapy: How to Integrate Counseling into Clinical Practice
Chapter 5.    Critical Thinking as a Foundation for Counseling
Chapter 6.    Beyond Cultural Competence: Counseling and Culturally Informed Care
Chapter 7.    Basic Skills of Counseling: Listening & Responding
Chapter 8.    Preparing Yourself for the Counseling Relationship 
Chapter 9.    Using Change Processes in the StAAR Framework 

Part III. Counseling in Action
Chapter 10.    Talking Back to Stuttering: A Case Illustration
Chapter 11.    Adaptive Change in Aphasia: A Case Illustration
Chapter 12.    The Perfect Child Lost: A Case Illustration
Chapter 13.    The Persistence of Adaptive Challenges: A Case Illustration

Part IV. The Clinician’s Toolbox
Chapter 14.     Autobiography of the Problem
Chapter 15.     Dear John Letter
Chapter 16.     The Story Mountain
Chapter 17.     Drawing
Chapter 18.     Laddering
Chapter 19.     The Downward Arrow
Chapter 20.     Self-Characterization
Anthony DiLollo, Robert A. Neimeyer, and Christopher D. Constantino
Chapter 21.     Chair Work
Anthony DiLollo, Robert A. Neimeyer, and Christopher D. Constantino
Chapter 22.     Play Therapy
Chapter 23.     Therapeutic Documents
Chapter 24.     Mindfulness
Anthony DiLollo, Robert A. Neimeyer, and Christopher D. Constantino
Chapter 25.     Possible Selves Mapping Interview
Chapter 26.     Repertory Grids

Author Index
Subject Index


Anthony DiLollo

Anthony DiLollo, PhD, CCC-SLP, is a Professor and Director of the Davies School of Communication Sciences and Disorders at Texas Christian University. He has published numerous articles and book chapters on counseling and clinical practice that cater to audiences in audiology, speech-language pathology, and other health and helping professions. Dr. DiLollo is currently working on innovative ways to implement counseling preparation in clinical training programs by establishing it as a foundational skill on which further clinical practice is built.

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Robert A. Neimeyer

Robert A. Neimeyer, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of the Department of Psychology at the University of Memphis, maintains an active counsulting and coaching practice, and also directs the Portland Institute for Loss and Transition. Dr. Neimeyer has published 30 books, including Routledge's series on Techniques of Grief Therpay, and serves as Editor of Death Studies. The author of over 500 articles and chapters and a popular workshop presenter, he is currently working toa dvance a more adequate theory of grieving as a meaning-making process. In recognition of his contributions, he has been given Lifetime Achievement Awards by both the Association for Death Education and Counseling and the Internationa Network on Personal Meaning.

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Counseling in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology: Reconstructing Personal Narratives, Second Edition comes with access to supplementary student and instructor materials on a PluralPlus companion website.


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