Consuming and Producing Research in Communication Sciences and Disorders: Developing Power of Professor
First Edition
Robert Goldfarb
Details: 369 pages, B&W, Softcover, 7" x 10"
ISBN13: 978-1-63550-067-7
© 2021 | Available
For Instructors
Consuming and Producing Research in Communication Sciences and Disorders is an exciting new textbook designed for undergraduate research methods in communication sciences and disorders (CSD) programs. It is also appropriate for first-year graduate students taking research methods courses in speech-language pathology and audiology. The text guides students in attaining the competencies required to consume, produce, and disseminate research; and students will have the knowledge and skills that are necessary and sufficient to conduct research as is consistent with the duties of an academic professor. The text reviews what obligations an individual, professor or not, has before being permitted to do research. The emphasis is on clinically-oriented professionals who can perform the research associated with professors.
Part I on Consuming Research in CSD includes academic-clinical integration of research, as well as information required for consumption of research such as research ethics, the scientific method, types of research, and how to critique a journal article and a diagnostic test. Part II on Producing Research in CSD helps guide the undergraduate student in producing a capstone project or senior thesis and the master’s student in producing a graduate thesis or research project. Part II also addresses mentoring, the Institutional Review Board, and conducting academic and clinical research. Part III addresses Disseminating Research in CSD, from the traditional (presenting and publishing academic and clinical research) to the non-traditional (marketing, social media, and new technologies).
Key Features
- Each chapter begins with an Introduction and Learning Objectives to set the scene and prepare the student for what is covered.
- Advanced Study Questions end each chapter and allow the student to review their skills.
- Boxes throughout the text highlight key points and explore topics in more depth.
- A PluralPlus companion website includes PowerPoint lecture slides, a sample syllabus, and quizzes for instructors and supplementary resources for students.
PluralPlus Online Ancillary Resources
For Instructors: PowerPoint lecture slides, quizzes, and a sample syllabus
For Students: Video links, statistics quiz, and additonal study aids
"The 15 chapters are grouped into three sections on consuming, producing, and disseminating research in communication sciences and disorders. The book includes basic information about research, ethics, and the research process, including aspects of evaluating research articles. It also covers the process aspects of producing research. One unique feature is the discussion of the mentor/mentee relationship. The book describes the practicalities of dissemination, including types of research writing and presentation."
—Suzanne M Welty, MA, EdD-CCC, Biola University, in Doody's Reviews (October 2019)
Robert Goldfarb Discusses Consuming and Producing Research in Communication Sciences and Disorders
Part I. Consuming Research in CSD
Chapter 1. Developing Power of Professor: The Nature of Research in CSD
Why Professors and Clinicians Do Research
Research and Development (R & D) versus Objective Research
Clinical Research: A Case Study
Power of Professor
Chapter 2. Academic-Clinical Integration of Research
Types of Research Evidence
Best Practices and Evidence-Based Practice
A Model of Therapy
Some Clinical Research Concerns
Advanced Study
Chapter 3. Ethics of Research
Introduction: Principles of Research
The Rules of Ethics
Unintended Consequences of Research
NIH/CITI Online Training Course
The Belmont Report
Ethical Blindness and Society’s Responses
The Tudor Study
AAA and ASHA Codes of Ethics
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)
Advanced Study
Chapter 4. The Scientific Method
The Scientific Method
The Rules of Science
The Scientific Method Versus Common Sense or Conventional Wisdom
The Scientific Method and Pseudoscience
Advanced Study
Chapter 5. Types of Research
Experimental, Quasiexperimental, and Nonexperimental Designs
Single-Subject and Case Studies
Proof-of-Concept and Pilot Studies; Phase O, I, II, III, and IV Trials
Group Designs
Retrospective Research
Survey Research
Longitudinal Studies (Developmental Research)
Translational Research
Advanced Study
Chapter 6. Really Basic Statistics
Some Statistical Concepts
Descriptive Statistics: Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion
All You Need Are Sums of Squares
Presenting the Data: Frequency Distributions, Histograms, Line Graphs
Recipe for Repeated Measure Analysis on SPSS
Definitions of Terms
Statistics of the Future: Bayesian Inference
Advanced Study
Chapter 7. Journal Article Critique
Structure of a Journal Article
Threats to Internal and External Validity of Experiments
Peer Review
Advanced Study
Chapter 8. Diagnostic Test Critique
Levels of Evidence in Diagnostic Tests
Problems in Diagnosis: Dumping It in the Chocolate
The Diagnostic Test Manual
Reliability and Validity of Tests and Measurements
Choosing Which Test to Give
Advanced Study
Part II. Producing Research in CSD
Chapter 9. Mentoring
What Is the Mentor-Protégé or Mentor-Mentee (Hereafter Called Mentor-Student) Relationship?
Does Mentoring Work?
Do Being Older, Having More Experience, and Having Greater Professional Authority Qualify an Individual To Be a Mentor?
What Are the Ethical Concerns of a Relationship with a Large Power Differential?
What Kinds of Mentoring Can You Expect?
What Is the ASHA S.T.E.P. Mentor Model?
How Does Gender Affect the Mentor-Mentee Relationship?
Are e-Supervision and e-Mentoring the Wave of the Future?
Advanced Study
Chapter 10. Institutional Review Board (IRB) Research Approval
History of the IRB
Completing an IRB Review Form
An Example from CSD
Advanced Study
Chapter 11. Conducting Clinical Research
Developing a Clinical Hypothesis
Setting Goals
Data Collection
Experimental Design: Case Report or Single-Subject Multiple Baseline
Disseminating Results
Advanced Study
Chapter 12. Conducting Academic Research
Selecting a Research Topic and Finding a Mentor
Capstone Projects
The Master’s Thesis
Doctor of Audiology (AuD) Research Requirements
PhD in Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences Research Requirements
Clinical Doctorate in Speech-Language Pathology (SLP-D) Research Requirements
Doctor of Clinical Science (ClinScD/CsCD) Research Requirements
Funding Sources
Advanced Study
Part III. Disseminating Research in CSD
Chapter 13. Dissemination by Publication
The Article in a Peer-Reviewed Journal
Books and Portions of Books
Advanced Study
Chapter 14. Oral Presentation of Research
Conference Presentations
Practice-Based Networks
Educational Technology
Securing Funding for Travel and Expenses
Advanced Study
Chapter 15. Nontraditional Dissemination of Research
Challenges to Dissemination
Support Groups for Communication Disorders
Advocating for the Professions
In the News
Advanced Study
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