Comprehensive Handbook of Pediatric Audiology

Second Edition

Anne Marie Tharpe, Richard Seewald

Details: 1003 pages, B&W, Hardcover, 8.5" x 11"

ISBN13: 978-1-59756-615-5

© 2017 | Available

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The Comprehensive Handbook of Pediatric Audiology, Second Edition is the most wide-ranging and complete work of its kind, and has become the definitive reference in the specialty area of pediatric audiology. Content areas range from typical auditory development, to identification and diagnostic processes, to medical and audiologic management of childhood hearing and ear disorders. An interdisciplinary assembly of sixty-six internationally recognized experts from the fields of audiology, speech-language pathology, education, pediatric medicine, otology, and hearing science have contributed to this second edition. Building from the success of the first edition, and aligning with the evolution of the profession, this edition expands and deepens its coverage of early identification of hearing loss, etiology and medical considerations, and hearing technologies, especially implantable devices and the measurement of outcomes resulting from intervention.

New to the Second Edition

  • New chapters on the measurement of outcomes resulting from intervention, preventable hearing loss, implementation of newborn hearing screening programs, and the future of implantable devices, among others
  • Reorganization for improved sequencing of content area
  • Substantially updated chapters

The Comprehensive Handbook of Pediatric Audiology, Second Edition is intended for use in doctoral-level education programs in audiology or hearing science, as well as to serve as an in-depth reference source for practicing audiologists and other professionals, educators, scientists, and policy makers seeking current and definitive information on evidence-based pediatric audiology practice.

From the Foreword

It is exciting to see in one volume comprehensive coverage of contemporary trends in pediatric audiology. No doubt, the information contained within this new edition will be of value to those who seek to better understand the perplexities of childhood deafness and motivate others to search for newer and better ways to serve young children with deafness.
Fred H. Bess, PhD, Professor and Director, National Center for Childhood Deafness and Family Communication, Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences, Vanderbilt University


"Named to Doody's Core Titles in the Health Sciences - Speech, Language & Hearing 2020 list."
Doody's (May 2020)

"This book would be indispensable as the pediatric textbook in audiology programs or as an invaluable reference for a clinical audiologist or other professionals interested in the latest evidence. It is a wonderful reference for practicing clinicians and others who work with children with hearing impairment as it provides grounds for evidence-based practice."
Traci Flynn, Karolinska Institutet, in the International Journal of Audiology (June 2016)

"The authors of Comprehensive Handbook of Pediatric Audiology, as stated themselves, have striven to pen an exhaustive and academic textbook on audiology. In my view, it certainly meets their aim of being at a masters or doctoral level. . . . this book does have and exceptionally good international perspective. For example, it goes into minute details on setting up a newborn hearing screening programme which, while less relevant to the typical NHS audiologist, may be essential to clinicians in another country where the NHSP is not established. The book provides some excellent new research, and, therefore, insight in to the routine clinical work we perform, such as with otitis media effusion and dealing with noise exposure concerns in teenagers, which has improved my practice and benefited my patients."
Lawrence Hill, Audiological Scientist, The Medical Specialist Group Limited, UK, in ENT & Audiology News (September/October 2017)

20Q: Unilateral Hearing Loss in Children - Progress and Opportunities

Read Anne Marie Tharpe's interview with Gus Mueller from AudiologyOnline here.

Foreword by Fred H. Bess, PhD

Part I. Typical Auditory Development

Chapter 1. Hearing Development: Embryology of the Ear
Mark Hill

Chapter 2. Biologic Development of the Auditory System from Periphery to Cortex
Robert V. Harrison

Chapter 3. Infant Speech Perception
Derek M. Houston

Chapter 4. Auditory Development in Children With Normal Hearing
Lynne A. Werner and Lori J. Leibold

Part II. Etiology and Medical Considerations

Chapter 5. Descriptive Epidemiology of Childhood Hearing Impairment
Adrian Davis and Katrina A.S. Davis

Chapter 6. Genetics of Childhood Hearing Loss
Linda J. Hood and Bronya J.B. Keats

Chapter 7. Medical Considerations for Infants and Young Children With Hearing Loss: A Pediatrician's Perspective
Betty R. Vohr

Chapter 8. Medical Considerations for Infants and Children With Hearing Loss: An Otologist's Perspective
Craig A. Buchman and Oliver F. Adunka

Chapter 9. Current Issues in Preventable Hearing Loss
Andrea Hillock-Dunn and Christopher Spankovich

Part III. Types of Hearing Loss in Children

Chapter 10. Conductive Hearing Loss in Children: Otitis Media With Effusion and Congenital Conditions
Lisa L. Hunter and Daniel I. Choo

Chapter 11. Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder
Gary Rance and Arnold Starr

Chapter 12. Management of Children With Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder (ANSD)
Patricia A. Roush

Chapter 13. (Central) Auditory Processing Disorders in Children
Prudence Allen

Chapter 14. Pseudohypacusis: False and Exaggerated Hearing Loss
James E. Peck

Part IV. Early Identification of Hearing Loss

Chapter 15. Principles and Methods of Newborn Hearing Screening
Martyn Hyde

Chapter 16. Newborn Hearing Screening Program Evaluation and Quality
Martyn Hyde

Chapter 17. Screening for Hearing Loss and Middle Ear Disorders: Beyond the Newborn Period
Jackson Roush and Nicole E. Corbin

Chapter 18. Newborn Hearing Screening Program Implementation: Early Hearing Detection and Intervention
Kathryn L. Beauchaine, Jeffrey K. Hoffman, and Diane L. Sabo

Part V. Audiologic Assessment of Children

Chapter 19. Middle Ear Measurement
Lisa L. Hunter and Chelsea M. Blankenship

Chapter 20. Otoacoustic Emissions in Infants and Children: An Updated Approach
Carolina Abdala, Margaret Winter, and Christopher A. Shera

Chapter 21. Threshold Assessment in Infants Using the Frequency-Specific Auditory Brainstem Response and Auditory Steady-State Response
Susan A. Small and David R. Stapells

Chapter 22. Electrophysiological Assessment of Hearing With Auditory Middle Latency and Auditory Late Responses
James W. Hall III and Anuradha R. Bantwal

Chapter 23. Behavioral Audiometry in Infants and Children
Allan O. Diefendorf and Anne Marie Tharpe

Chapter 24. Audiologic Considerations for Children With Complex Developmental Conditions
Allan O. Diefendorf, Kathleen R. Corbin, Rebecca Trepcos-Klingler, and Amanda S. Weinzierl

Part VI. Hearing Technologies

Chapter 25. Current Approaches to the Fitting of Amplification to Infants and Young Children
Marlene P. Bagatto and Susan D. Scollie

Chapter 26. Hearing Instrument Orientation for Children and Their Families
Anne Marie Tharpe, Hollea A.M. Ryan, and Samantha J. Gustafson

Chapter 27. Remote Microphone Systems and Communication Access for Children
Jace Wolfe, Dawna Lewis, and Leisha R. Eiten

Chapter 28. Measuring Outcomes of Infants and Children With Hearing Loss
Teresa Y.C. Ching, Sanna Y.L. Hou, and Vicky W. Zhang

Chapter 29. Cochlear Implants for Children: Promoting Auditory Development With Electrical Pulses
Karen A. Gordon

Chapter 30. Care of Children Who Use Cochlear Implants
Marilyn Neault

Chapter 31. Other Hearing Devices: Bone Conduction
Bill Hodgetts

Chapter 32. The Future of Auditory Implants
René H. Gifford

Part VII. Management of Childhood Hearing Loss

Chapter 33. History of the Management of Hearing Loss in Children
Andrée Durieux-Smith and Elizabeth M. Fitzpatrick

Chapter 34. Facilitating Communication in Infants and Toddlers With Hearing Loss
Melody Harrison

Chapter 35. Potential Meets Reality in Early Intervention for Children With Hearing Loss
Amy McConkey Robbins

Chapter 36. Support for Adolescents With Hearing Loss
Kris English

Chapter 37. Minimal Hearing Loss in Children
Heather Porter, Fred H. Bess, and Anne Marie Tharpe

Chapter 38. Moderate to Profound Sensory/Neural Hearing Loss in Children
Karen C. Johnson, Amy S. Martinez, Laurie S. Eisenberg, and Dianne M. Hammes Ganguly

Chapter 39. School-Age Children
Carolyne Edwards

Chapter 40. Providing Services in Educational Contexts: Defining the Role of the Educational Audiologist
Patricia M. Chute and Mary Ellen Nevins


Anne Marie Tharpe

Anne Marie Tharpe, PhD, is professor and chair, Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, and associate director of the Vanderbilt Bill Wilkerson Center in Nashville, Tennessee. After receiving her undergraduate degree at the University of Arizona and her master's degree at Vanderbilt University, Dr. Tharpe practiced as a pediatric audiologist for fourteen years before obtaining her doctoral degree at Vanderbilt and beginning her research and teaching career. Much of her work has focused on the impact of minimal degrees of hearing loss on psycho-educational and psycho-social development in school-age children. Dr. Tharpe is the recipient of numerous professional awards including Fellow of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and the inaugural American Academy of Audiology Marion Downs Award for Excellence in Pediatric Audiology.

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Richard Seewald

Richard Seewald, PhD, is a distinguished university professor emeritus in the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders and a research associate at the National Centre for Audiology, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Western Ontario. For the past 40 years, Dr. Seewald's work has focused on issues that pertain to the selection and fitting of amplification for infants and young children. He is known internationally for his work in developing the Desired Sensation Level (DSL) Method for pediatric hearing instrument fitting. Dr. Seewald has received numerous awards for his work with children including the Honors of the Canadian Academy of Audiology and the Canadian Speech, Language and Hearing Association, an Honorary Doctorate of Laws from Dalhousie University, and the prestigious International Award in Hearing from the American Academy of Audiology for his pioneering work in the field of pediatric audiology. In his retirement, Dr. Seewald serves on the Advisory Board of the Hear the World Foundation.


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