Clinical Neuroscience for Communication Disorders: Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology
Second Edition
Margaret Lehman Blake, Jerry K. Hoepner
Details: 400 pages, Full Color, Hardcover, 8.5" x 11"
ISBN13: 978-1-63550-781-2
© 2027 | Coming Soon
Release Date: 10/15/2025
For Instructors
Available for purchase starting 09/16/2025
Print Book: $119.95
eBook: $119.95
Clinical Neuroscience for Communication Disorders: Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology, Second Edition offers a comprehensive and easy-to-understand introduction to neuroscience for undergraduates and beginning graduate students in the field of communication disorders.
Designed with student learning in mind, this textbook introduces the neurologic underpinnings of systems involved in communication (speech, language, cognition, and hearing) and swallowing, from the nervous system to the anatomy of the head and neck. A highly readable writing style makes abstract and complex material accessible to students and provides just the right amount of information to challenge yet not overwhelm students.
What sets this book apart is the extensive infusion of clinical application. Each chapter begins by tying the content to the everyday clinical applications for speech-language pathologists, audiologists, and related professionals and includes clinical cases to illustrate neural functions. In addition to coverage of the main systems, this text contains chapters devoted to neuroplasticity, communication, and cognition to move beyond basic anatomy to the key principles of contemporary neuroscience and application of the concepts discussed. Additionally, explicit connections are drawn between cranial nerves, the oral mechanism examination, and clinical swallowing assessment. The clinical cases cover a variety of both pediatric and adult scenarios designed to highlight the interconnectedness of neural systems and the complexity of neurologically-based communication disorders. The cases span the breadth of clinical practice—developmental and acquired disorders, pediatric and adult cases, and disorders of speech, language, cognition, and hearing—and are cross-referenced with each of the other chapters for improved understanding.
New to the Second Edition
- Glossary
- Learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter
- New content on health disparities
- Class activities for instructors
- Learning packets and study guides for students
Key Features
- More than 150 customized illustrations solidify connections between anatomy and physiology
- Clinical cases throughout the text and expanded versions of the cases in a stand-alone chapter illustrate clinical relevance of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology
- Bolded keywords highlight foundational concepts and terminology
- Boxes throughout the text offer an opportunity for applying learning through applications, exercises, glossaries of key terms, and clinical cases
- End-of-chapter summaries provide an overview of the key concepts within the chapter in plain language
- A bulleted list of key concepts concludes each chapter to reinforce learning outcomes
- References and further reading augment student learning
PluralPlus Online Ancillaries
For instructors: PowerPoint Slides, Case Studies, Class Activities
For students: Study Guides, Links to Related Resources

Clinical Neuroscience for Communication Disorders: Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology.
First Edition
Margaret Lehman Blake, Jerry K. Hoepner
Details: 340 pages, Full Color, Hardcover, 8.5" x 11"
ISBN13: 978-1-63550-365-4
© 2023 | Available