Children with Hearing Loss: Developing Listening and Talking, Birth to Six
Fourth Edition
Elizabeth B. Cole, Carol Flexer
Details: 411 pages, B&W, Softcover, 7" x 10"
ISBN13: 978-1-63550-154-4
© 2020 | Available
For Instructors
The fourth edition of Children With Hearing Loss: Developing Listening and Talking, Birth to Six is a dynamic compilation of important information for the facilitation of spoken language for infants and young children with hearing loss. This text covers current and up-to-date information about auditory brain development, listening scenarios, auditory technologies, spoken language development, and intervention for young children with hearing loss whose parents have chosen to have them learn to listen and talk.
The book is divided into two parts. Part I, Audiological and Technological Foundations of Auditory Brain Development, consists of the first five chapters that lay the foundation for brain-based listening and talking. These chapters include neurological development and discussions of ear anatomy and physiology, pathologies that cause hearing loss, audiologic testing of infants and children, and the latest in amplification technologies. Part II, Developmental, Family-Focused Instruction for Listening and Spoken Language Enrichment, includes the second five chapters on intervention: listening, talking, and communicating through the utilization of a developmental and preventative model that focuses on enriching the child’s auditory brain centers.
New to the Fourth Edition:
- All technology information has been updated as has information about neurophysiology.
- The reference list is exhaustive with the addition of the newest studies while maintaining seminal works about neurophysiology, technology, and listening and spoken language development.
- New artwork throughout the book illustrates key concepts of family-focused listening and spoken language intervention.
- A PluralPlus companion website with PowerPoint lecture slides, study questions, a list of related resources and links, and the following documents that can be downloaded or printed:
A Framework for Maximizing Caregiver Effectiveness in Promoting Auditory/Linguistic Development in Children with Hearing Loss (from Chapter 10) and Targets for Auditory/Verbal Learning (Appendix 3)
This text is intended for undergraduate and graduate-level training programs for professionals who work with children who have hearing loss and their families. This fourth edition is also directly relevant for parents, listening and spoken language specialists (LSLS Cert. AVT and LSLS Cert. AVEd), speech-language pathologists, audiologists, early childhood instructors, and teachers. In addition, much of the information in Chapters 1 through 5, and also Chapter 7 can be helpful to individuals of all ages who experience hearing loss, especially to newly diagnosed adults, as a practical “owner’s manual.”
Read an interview with Carol Flexer in The Hearing Review (November 2019) here.
"In light of the amount of information in recent years about testing and management of hearing loss in infants, this book is much needed. Although scholarly in nature, the material is quite readable. The authors detail what chapters are better geared toward specific audiences. The advancement of newborn hearing screening has allowed for more options when it comes to intervention for children with hearing loss, therefore having this information in an updated format that is easily accessible is very important for this population of children and their families.
The extensive audience includes students (undergraduate and graduate) and professionals working with children with hearing loss and their families, such as listening and spoken language specialists, speech-language pathologists, audiologists, early childhood instructors, and, possibly most importantly, parents and individuals newly diagnosed with hearing loss. Although the information can be quite technical, the authors do a good job of pointing out what chapters will be most helpful to which audience members. Both Dr. Cole and Dr. Flexer have extensive experience working with people with hearing impairments, and they have authored numerous publications and have teaching and clinical experience."
—Yvana Uranga-Hernandez, PhD, CCC-SLP, Biola University, in Doody's Book Reviews
"The book is easy to navigate and well laid out. It is broken down into well-labelled categories which is helpful for those needing quick reference to specific areas of interest. The chapters set out initial key points and objectives and feature regular summaries of information to reinforce useful facts. The use of pictures, tables and charts makes it easy to visualise some of the complex written material. The online resources are particularly valuable for students, providing study questions and answers for each chapter. There are comprehensive examples to help apply strategies within clinical practice and also at home for parents. The use of website links and national protocols ensures a good balance of information and helps maintain the reader’s attention regardless of their background or knowledge of hearing loss."
—Naomi Elliott, Lead Paediatric Audiologist, Hounslow & Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust, in ENT & Audiology News (January 2021)
Part I. Audiological and Technological Foundations of Auditory Brain Development
Chapter 1. Neurological Foundations of Listening and Talking: We Hear With the Brain
Begin Conversations with the Critical Question: What Is the Family’s Desired Outcome?
Typical Infants: Listening and Language Development
Auditory Neural Development
New Context for the Word Deaf
Hearing Versus Listening
A Model of Hearing Loss: The Invisible Acoustic Filter Effect
Putting It All Together in a Counseling Narrative: Think About Hearing Loss as a Doorway Problem
Next Steps: What Will It Take to Optimize the Probability of Attaining a Listening and Spoken Language Outcome
Chapter 2. The Audiovestibular System
The Nature of Sound
Subconscious Function
Signal Warning Function
Spoken Communication Function
Audibility Versus Intelligibility of Speech
The Ling 6-7 Sound Test: Acoustic Basis and Description
Audiovestibular Structures
Data Input Analogy
Outer and Middle Ear
Inner Ear to the Brain
The Vestibular System: The Sensory Organs of Balance
Chapter 3. Hearing and Hearing Loss in Infants and Children
Degree (Severity): Minimal to Profound
Timing: Congenital or Acquired
General Causes: Endogenous, Exogenous, or Multifactorial
Genetics, Syndromes, and Dysplasias
Connexin 26
Genetic Testing
Inner Ear Dysplasias
Medical Aspects of Hearing Loss
Conductive Pathologies and Hearing Loss
Sensorineural Pathologies and Hearing Loss
Mixed, Progressive, Functional, and Central Hearing Losses
Synergistic and Multifactorial Effects
Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder (ANSD)
Vestibular Issues
Chapter 4. Diagnosing Hearing Loss
Newborn Hearing Screening and EHDI Programs
Test Equipment and Test Environment
Audiologic Diagnostic Assessment of Infants and Children
Test Protocols
Pediatric Behavioral Tests: BOA, VRA, CPA, Speech Perception Testing
Electrophysiologic Tests: OAE, ABR/ASSR, and Immittance
The Audiogram
Configuration (Pattern) of Thresholds on the Audiogram
Formulating a Differential Diagnosis
Sensory Deprivation
Ambiguity of Hearing Loss
Measuring Distance Hearing
Chapter 5. Hearing Aids, Cochlear Implants, and Remote Microphone (RM) Systems
For Intervention, First Things First: Optimize Detection of the Complete Acoustic Spectrum
Listening and Learning Environments
Distance Hearing/Incidental Learning and S/N Ratio
ANSI/ASA S12.60-2010: Acoustical Guidelines for Classroom Noise and Reverberation
Talker and Listener Physical Positioning
Amplification for Infants and Children
Hearing Aids
Bone Anchored Implants for Children (Also Called Osseointegrated [Osseo] Implants) or Bone Conduction Hearing Devices
Wireless Connectivity
HATs for Infants and Children: Personal-Worn RM and Sound-Field FM and IR (Classroom Amplification) Systems
Cochlear Implants
Auditory Brainstem Implant (ABI)
Measuring Efficacy of Fitting and Use of Technology
Equipment Efficacy for the School System
Part II. Developmental, Family-Focused Instruction for Listening and Spoken Language Enrichment
Chapter 6. Intervention Issues
Basic Premises
Differentiating Dimensions Among Intervention Programs
Challenges to the Process of Learning Spoken Language
Late to Full-Time Wearing of Appropriate Amplification or Cochlear Implant(s)
Disabilities in Addition to the Child’s Hearing Loss
Ongoing, Persistent Noise in the Child’s Learning Environment
Multilingual Environment
Educational Options for Children with Hearing Loss, Ages 3 to 6
Chapter 7. Auditory “Work”
The Primacy of Audition
The Acoustics-Speech Connection
The Effect of Hearing Loss on the Reception of Speech
A Historical Look at the Use of Residual Hearing
The Concept of Listening Age
Auditory Skills and Auditory Processing Models
Theory of Mind and Executive Functions
How to Help a Child Learn to Listen in Ordinary, Everyday Ways
Two Examples of Auditory Teaching and Learning
Scene I: Tony
Scene II: Tamara
Targets for Auditory/Linguistic Learning
A Last Word
Chapter 8. Spoken Language Learning
What’s Involved in Talking?
Intentionality/Speech Acts
Presuppositional Knowledge
Discourse/Conversational Conventions
Other Essential Rule Systems in English
How Does a Child Learn to Talk?
Relevance for Intervention Decisions
How Should Intervention Be Organized?
Chapter 9. Constructing Meaningful Communication
The Affective Relationship
The Child’s Development of Interactional Abilities
Joint Reference, or Joint Attention
Turn-Taking Conventions
Signaling of Intention
Characteristics of Caregiver Talk
1. Content: What Gets Talked About?
2. Prosody: What Does Motherese Sound Like?
3. Semantics and Syntax: What About Complexity?
4. Repetition: Say It or Play It Again
5. Negotiation of Meaning: Huh?
6. Participation-Elicitors: Let’s (Keep) Talk(ing)
7. Responsiveness
Issues About Motherese
How Long Is Motherese Used?
Motherese: Why Do We Use It?
Motherese: Is It Immaterial or Facilitative?
Chapter 10. Interacting in Ways That Promote Listening and Talking
The Emotional Impact of a Child’s Hearing Loss on the Family
Adult Learning
What Parents Need to Learn
Role of the LSL Practitioner
Components of Intervention for Babies and Young Children with Hearing Loss
When to Talk with Your Child and What to Talk About
A Framework for Maximizing Caregiver Effectiveness in Promoting Auditory/Linguistic Development in Children with Hearing Loss
Background and Rationale
Structure of the Framework
Getting a Representative Sample of Interacting
Discussing the Framework with Parents
Ways of Addressing Parent-Chosen Interactional Targets
Determining and Sequencing Targets Specific to the Child’s Development of Auditory, Language, and Speech Development
Relationship Between Family and LSL Practitioner
Teaching Through Incidental and Embellished Interacting
Teaching Through Incidental Interacting
Embellishing an Incidental Interaction
Teaching Spoken Language Through Embellished Interacting
Teaching Listening (Audition) Through Embellished Interacting
Teaching Speech Through Embellished Interacting
Preplanned Parent Guidance Sessions or Auditory-Verbal Therapy/Instructional Sessions
Where Should the Auditory-Verbal Therapy (LSL)/Instructional Sessions Occur?
What Happens in an Auditory-Verbal Therapy/Instructional Session to Address Child Targets?
Components to Be Accomplished in a Typical Preplanned Session to Address Child Targets
Sample Preplanned Scenario
About the Benefits and Limitations of Preplanned Teaching
What Does the Research Say?
Appendix 1: How to Grow Your Baby’s or Child’s Brain Through Daily Routines
Appendix 2: Application and Instructions for the Ling 6-7 Sound Test for Distance Hearing
Appendix 3: Targets for Auditory/Verbal Learning
Appendix 4: Explanation for Items on the Framework
Appendix 5: Checklist for Evaluating Preschool Group Settings for Children With Hearing Loss Who Are Learning Spoken Language
Appendix 6: Selected Resources
Appendix 7: Description and Practice of Listening and Spoken Language Specialists: LSLS Cert. AVT and LSLS Cert. AVEd
Appendix 8: Principles of Certified LSL Specialists
Appendix 9: Knowledge and Competencies Needed by Listening and Spoken Language Specialists (LSLS)
Appendix 10: Listening and Spoken Language Domains Addressed in This Book
Purchase of Children With Hearing Loss: Developing Listening and Talking, Birth to Six, Fourth Edition comes with access to supplementary student and instructor materials on a PluralPlus companion website.
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