Behavior Management: Systems, Classrooms, and Individuals

First Edition

Jennifer D. Walker, Colleen Barry

Details: 381 pages, 2-Color, Softcover, 8.5" x 11"

ISBN13: 978-1-63550-224-4

© 2022 | Available

For Instructors

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Children and teens are simultaneously complex and predictable. Behavior theory and research can provide ways of predicting behaviors and designing classroom structures that benefit all students. Behavior Management: Systems, Classrooms, and Individuals is a highly readable, student-friendly textbook that meets the needs of both undergraduate and graduate teaching programs. By covering theory, systems, classrooms, and individuals, the authors have created a pragmatic resource that can be used by a range of individuals seeking reliable, evidence-based techniques integrating behavior management into effective classrooms, including both upcoming and established educators.

This text uses a funnel approach to guide readers from the “big picture” down to the individual student. Part I begins by introducing the foundations of classroom management with a discussion of prominent theorists, legislation, common disabilities, and the basics of behavior. Part II provides discussion on classroom management communities, including systems of support and structure in schools and classrooms. Part III focuses on the individual to give both current and future teachers tools for building and nurturing relationships with students and understanding and responding to student behavior. The final chapter offers tools for self-reflection and managing stress and burnout.

Key Features

  • Real-world cases and classroom examples to integrate content with practice 
  • Chapters begin with learning objectives and key terms and end with summaries for comprehension 
  • Bolded terms along with a comprehensive glossary to improve retention of material
  • “Make a Connection” boxes to synthesize content across chapters
  • Content connections to high-leverage practices in call-out boxes 
  • Examples, figures, and templates to clarify and expand on key concepts
  • Access to a PluralPlus companion website with case studies and instructor resources, including PowerPoint slides, test banks, and sample activities

Instructor test bank available on the Respondus Test Bank Network



“The content builds on theory and pulling it together for practice. The authors do a good job of explaining in lay terms difficult concepts and implications for educational practice. The guided reflections introduce the pre-service teacher to the concept of guided reflection or the process of self-inquiry. This allows for greater insight, self-development, and goal setting opportunities for improving their practice.”
Denise A. Soares, PhD, (The University of Mississippi)

“Chapters are written clearly and contain accurate and important information. I really like how learning objectives are framed in relation to making SMART goals. This a very understandable and clear way to explain this concept for pre-service teachers. Overall, the section on reinforcement was very informative, engaging, easy to read/understand, and included helpful and practical information.  The connections made to High Leverage Practice Alerts throughout the text are awesome!”
Erika Pinter, PhD (Northern Illinois University)

“Overall, the book is very well written with many realistic examples and scenarios included throughout.  I think it’s important to include a piece about teacher burnout and liked how this was incorporated at the end.  I enjoyed reading the sections on special education, teacher reflection, and PBIS supports.”
Cheryl K. Cunningham, PhD (Fort Hays State University)

"Exceptionally well written, organized and presented, [...] Behavior Management: Systems, Classrooms, and Individuals is especially and unreservedly recommended for classroom teacher, school administrators, and education advocates personal reading lists, as well as a core addition to school district, college, and university library Teacher Education collections." 
Library Bookwatch (March 2021)

“[…] each chapter of Behavior Management begins with learning objectives and key terms, ending with a summary. […]
The first chapter of the text […] explain laws related to disciplinary procedures, including manifestation determination reviews. […]
The remaining chapters in Part I describe cultural, social, and environmental factors influencing behavior. A positive and preventive approach addresses ways to cultivate a culturally responsive classroom. Unlike most texts, executive functions and their linkage to behavior are discussed. […]
Part II, ‘Classroom Management Communities,’ […] describes school-wide systems, including response to intervention and safety plans. […] This section then provides concrete information on developing a learning environment, classroom procedures, and routines that encourage successful behaviors. Self-reflection questions prompt students to consider points such as where the teacher’s desk should be located, how the students should be grouped, and the impact of various desk arrangements. Again, the text is unique in its emphasis on encouraging positive behaviors through a discussion of prompt hierarchies, student engagement, and motivation. […]
Part III, adding to the positive and preventive approach of the text, describes ‘meeting individual needs.’[…], this section begins with establishing relationships and addressing diversity and cultural differences. […] Specifics on functional behavioral assessment and the development of intervention plans are provided with multiple cases, examples, forms, and procedural descriptions. This section concludes with teaching new skills and the importance of social skills.
[…] In addition, the framework for Universal Design for Learning is introduced. In this section questions to ask during a job search are provided, along with a discussion of stress and burnout.
A strong aspect of this book is the pedagogical supports. Classroom examples are provided, along with tables summarizing complex information […]”

–Anne M. Bauer, Ed.D, University of Cincinnati, on Teachers College Record (December 2021)

"Walker and Barry nailed it with this book. They clearly and expertly explain the key concepts related to quality behavior management while making their work relatable to all educators. As an instructor, I especially appreciate the online resources which make my preparation for class very easy. My course is essentially laid out for me. These resources are the best I have ever had access to in my 10 years in higher education. I highly recommend this book and the online resources for quality content that will prepare special educators (honestly ALL educators) well and support the instructor in course preparation with high quality resources."
Ruby L. Owiny, PhD (Minnesota State University, Mankato)



Part I. Foundations of Classroom Management

Chapter 1. Introduction to Behavior Management
Learning Objectives
Key Terms
Prominent Theorists of Behavior Management

B. F. Skinner
William Glasser
Thomas Gordon
Lee and Marlene Canter
Rudolf Dreikurs
Jacob Kounin
Curwin and Mendler

Identifying and Locating Evidence-Based Practices
Legal Considerations for Behavior and Consequences

Restraint and Seclusion

Landmark Legislation, Policies, and Processes  

Manifestation Determination Review (MDR)

Chapter Summary

Chapter 2. Understanding Student Needs
Learning Objectives
Key Terms
Developmental Characteristics

Influence of Cultural, Social, and Environmental Factors

Students with Disabilities

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Executive Function Deficits
Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (EBD)
Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD)
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
Intellectual Disability

Chapter Summary

Chapter 3. Basics of Behavior
Learning Objectives
Key Terms
Applied Behavior Analysis 
Operant Conditioning

Selecting and Using Reinforcers

Schedules of Reinforcement

Fixed Ratio (FR)
Variable Ratio (VR)
Fixed Interval (FI)
Variable Interval (VI)

Positive and Negative Reinforcement

Positive Reinforcement
Negative Reinforcement

Chapter Summary

Part II. Classroom Management Communities

Chapter 4. School-Wide Systems
Learning Objectives
Key Terms
Multi-Tiered System of Support

Response to Intervention
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

PBIS Tiers of Intervention 

Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3

School Safety Plans
Chapter Summary

Chapter 5. Classroom Management Collaboration and Communication 
Learning Objectives
Key Terms
Working with Parents

Communicating About Behavior 

Working with Other Professionals

Coteaching Settings

Working with Administration
Chapter Summary

Chapter 6. Setting Up Physical Learning Environments
Learning Objectives
Key Terms
Physical Classroom Setup

Clusters or Groups
Individual Desks
Individual Considerations

Considerations for Movement and Safety
Learning Zones
Additional Considerations 
Classroom Climate 
Chapter Summary

Chapter 7. Setting Up the Classroom: Procedures, Expectations, Rules, and Prompt Hierarchies 
Learning Objectives
Key Terms
Establishing Procedures
Establishing Expectations
Establishing Rules
Hierarchy of Prompts
Chapter Summary

Chapter 8. Engagement, Instruction, and Motivation
Learning Objectives
Key Terms

Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation
SMART goals 

Group Contingencies 

Dependent Group Contingency 
Independent Group Contingency
Interdependent Group Contingency
Choose Relevant Reinforcers
Prerequisite Skills and Attainable Criterion
Potential Risks with Group Contingencies

Chapter Summary

Part III. Meeting Individual Needs

Chapter 9. Establishing Relationships with Students
Learning Objectives
Key Terms
Best Practices for Positive Relationships

Power Struggles
“Saving Face”
Conflict Cycle

Behavior-Specific Praise
Relationships Between Students
Recognizing Diversity and Cultural Differences
Relationship Building Activities
Chapter Summary

Chapter 10. Behavioral Data Collection
Learning Objectives
Key Terms
Identifying and Defining Target Behaviors 
Methods of Behavioral Data Collection

Frequency Counts
Duration Recording
Time Sampling
Momentary Time Sampling
Magnitude (Force)
Permanent Products

Setting Data Collection Timelines 
Data Collection Tools
Considerations for Data Collection
Chapter Summary

Chapter 11. Graphing and Data Analysis
Learning Objectives
Key Terms
Applied Behavior Analysis
Single-Subject Design

A-B Design
Reversal Designs
Multiple Baseline Design

Visual Displays of Data and Visual Analysis


Visual Analysis
Chapter Summary

Chapter 12. Functional Behavioral Assessment
Learning Objectives
Key Terms
Functional Behavioral Assessment 

Components of FBA
Indirect Assessment Strategies
Direct Assessment Strategies

Functional Analysis 
Functions of Behavior 


Chapter Summary

Chapter 13. Behavioral Intervention Plans
Learning Objectives
Key Terms
Replacement Behaviors 
Constructing a Behavioral Intervention Plan

Considerations for Selecting Replacement Behaviors 

Behavioral Intervention Plan

Setting Event Strategies
Antecedent Event Strategies
Behavioral Teaching Strategies
Consequence Strategies
Safety Plans

Team Process
Chapter Summary

Chapter 14. Teaching New Skills
Learning Objectives
Key Terms
Behavior Contracts

Definition of Task
Definition of Reward  
Task Record

Guidelines and Considerations 
Token Economies

Target Behaviors
Backup Reinforcers
Considerations for Token Economies

Social Skills

Social Skills Instruction

Character Education and Social-Emotional Curriculum

Democratic Classrooms
Service Learning


Step 1. Define the Target Behavior
Step 2. Choose a Monitoring System
Step 3. Set a Self-Monitoring Schedule
Step 4. Choose a Self-Monitoring Prompt
Step 5. Teach, Practice, and Reinforce 

Chapter Summary

Part IV. Conclusion

Chapter 15. Reflective Practices
Learning Objectives
Key Terms
Teacher Self-Reflection

Gather Data
Analyze Data
Implement Change

Using a UDL Framework 
Planning for the First Year of Teaching
Planning for the 20th Year of Teaching
Teacher Stress and Burnout
Chapter Summary


Jennifer D. Walker

Jennifer D. Walker, PhD, is an Associate Professor at the University of Mary Washington where she teaches both undergraduate and graduate students. She has over 25 years of experience in special education, including serving as a special educator, behavior specialist, and teacher educator. She is passionate about equity and access through tiered interventions, particularly for students with disabilities.

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Colleen Barry

Colleen Barry, PhD, BCBA-D, is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and earned her PhD in Teaching and Teacher Education from George Mason University. Her experience spans nearly two decades and includes teaching preschool and elementary special education, providing behavioral support to general and special education teachers, and preparing undergraduate educators. Colleen lives in Auckland, New Zealand with her wife, Laura, and two cats, Kevin and Bean.

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Behavior Management: Systems, Classrooms, and Individuals comes with access to supplementary student and instructor materials on a Pluralplus companion website.


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