Basic Audiometry Learning Manual.
Second Edition
Mark DeRuiter, Virginia Ramachandran
Details: 216 pages, 2-Color, Spiral Bound, 8.5" x 11"
ISBN13: 978-1-59756-865-4
© 2017 | Available
Basic Audiometry Learning Manual, Second Edition is designed to provide students and beginning clinicians with instruction in the art and science of clinical audiometry techniques. Well-defined learning outcomes, review of concepts, observation exercises, guided practice, and review materials serve as catalysts for active learning of concepts and provide opportunity for utilization of fundamental audiometry methods. The comprehensive content of the Learning Manual encompasses the breadth of audiologic evaluation, including history taking and patient communication, ear canal assessment and management, immittance, pure-tone testing, masking, speech audiometry, otoacoustic emissions, patient counseling, and report writing. This text is designed to cultivate the successful learning of students and entry-level professionals.
Each chapter in this second edition has been updated to reflect current standards of practice. Additional updates include:
- Two new chapters on physiologic measurements, including otoacoustic emissions, as well as common challenges and pitfalls of the new clinician
- Enhanced information on audiogram interpretation and auditory pathology
- More detailed information on acoustic reflexes
- Enhanced information on reporting
- Further delineation and clarification of masking concepts
- Access to companion website with audiograms for interpretation and videos of common procedures
The Learning Manual consists of various components designed to engage students through active learning. Learning Outcomes provide students with clear goals for knowledge and skill-building and provide a foundation for students to evaluate their progress toward clinical competence outcomes. Review of Concepts provides a concise examination of the theoretical knowledge necessary for performance of clinical activities. Observation challenges students to witness the behavior of clinical instructors or practicing professionals in the act of clinical practice. Guided Practice leads the student through exercises designed to provide firsthand experience with performing clinical activities. Reflection and Review provides students with opportunities to incorporate newfound understanding gained through Observation and Guided Practice into their theoretical and conceptual knowledge base through answering reflective and review questions.
Chapters can be taught in a serial fashion, following the sequence of a typical audiologic evaluation. Alternatively, the order of activities can be tailored to suit a particular instructional curriculum, or as individual topics coalesced with immediate goals.
This second edition of the Basic Audiometry Learning Manual includes a PluralPlus companion website where instructors and students will find audiograms for interpretation and videos of common procedures.
View a sample video from the companion website here.
"The exercises alone are enough to make this text a useful resource for students, new graduates and education providers. It is enhanced even more by the summary of the relevant science that precedes the tasks. Chapters include tasks tailored to the topic, often with observation, guided practice and reflection elements. [...] The authors focus on simplifying the steps in practical procedures and linking these steps to a broad understanding of each clinical test. The authors have been generous in their provision of online material, including case studies and videos of clinical procedures, that accompanies the purchase of this text. "
—Saima Rajasingam (Cambridge University), in ENT & Audiology News (September 2020)
Chapter 1. Greeting the Patient
Chapter 2. The Patient Interview
Chapter 3. Otoscopic Examination
Chapter 4. Immittance Instrumentation
Chapter 5. Tympanometry
Chapter 6. Acoustic Reflex Thresholds
Chapter 7. Acoustic Reflex Decay
Chapter 8. Audiometer Instrumentation
Chapter 9. Biologic Check of Audiometer Instrumentation
Chapter 10. Obtaining a Threshold
Chapter 11. Obtaining an Unmasked Air-Conduction Audiogram
Chapter 12. Obtaining an Unmasked Bone-Conduction Audiogram
Chapter 13. Masking
Chapter 14. Speech Thresholds
Chapter 15. Word Recognition Testing
Chapter 16. Masking for Speech Audiometry
Chapter 17. The Stenger Test
Chapter 18. Tuning Fork Tests
Chapter 19. Otoacoustic Emissions
Chapter 20. Interpreting Test Results
Chapter 21. Counseling the Patient
Chapter 22. Reporting Results
Chapter 23. Common Pitfalls in Audiologic Evaluation
References and Bibliography

Brad Stach Ph.D., Series Editor
The Core Clinical Concepts Series provides graduate students and inquiring practitioners with practical materials for development of fundamental clinical knowledge and skills for audiology practice. This series consists of texts pertaining to core clinical concepts and practice methods, as well as supplementary materials designed to engage readers in active learning via application of concepts. Currently available audiology texts commonly provide exhaustive examination of broad topic areas, necessary for advanced scholarship. Not widely available are pedagogical materials that provide students with clear, accessible, and effective instruction in fundamental concepts and clinical methods and protocols of audiology. The Core Clinical Concepts in Audiology Series answers this need through its unique approach, organization, and style, designed to promote successful learning of students and professionals. Books in the Core Clinical Concepts Series are:
- Concise. The succinct construction of series texts allows readers to efficiently acquire essential concepts and skills.
- Consistent. The uniformity of text organization and style allows readers to effectively utilize familiar and reasoned organization of texts.
- Comprehensive. Bundled thematic sets provide readers with thorough coverage of specific topic areas.
- Integrated. Workbooks, case studies, and laboratory exercises provide opportunities for reflection, application, and assessment of learned information. These materials are designed to increase depth of reader learning by application of knowledge in a variety of contexts.
Purchasers of this book receive complimentary access to supplementary materials hosted on a PluralPlus companion website.
- Cases (audiograms for interpretation)
- Videos of common procedures
To access the materials, log in to the website using the URL and Access Code located inside the front cover of your copy of Basic Audiometry Learning Manual, Second Edition.

Speech Audiometry
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Basic Audiometry Learning Manual
Third Edition
Mark DeRuiter, Virginia Ramachandran
Details: 231 pages, 2-Color, Softcover, 8.5" x 11"
ISBN13: 978-1-63550-371-5
© 2023 | Available