Assessment of Communication Disorders in Children: Resources and Protocols

Fourth Edition

M.N. Hegde, Frances Pomaville

Details: 444 pages, B&W, Softcover, 8.5" x 11"

ISBN13: 978-1-63550-266-4

© 2022 | Available

For Instructors

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Assessment of Communication Disorders in Children: Resources and Protocols, Fourth Edition offers a unique combination of scholarly information, invaluable resources, and time-saving protocols on assessment of the full range of communication disorders in children, including nonverbal or minimally verbal children.

Most resource books offer limited research and scholarly information, thus making them unsuitable as textbooks for academic courses on assessment and diagnosis. Similarly, most traditional textbooks do not include practical, easy-to-use, and time-saving resources and protocols that the practicing clinicians can readily use during assessment sessions. By combining the strengths of traditional texts with newer assessment resources and protocols, this one-of-a-kind book offers a single, comprehensive source that is suitable as a textbook and useful as a practical clinical resource.

This bestselling and trusted text:

  • Includes an extensive discussion of issues in using standardized tests along with detailed information on psychometric principles and offers a detailed discussion of alternative assessment approaches that minimize the problems inherent to standardized tests
  • Describes a new, comprehensive, and integrated assessment approach that derives its strengths from the traditional as well as several alternative approaches
  • Addresses the multicultural issues in assessing communication disorders in children and integrates culturally responsive assessment procedures into the assessment protocols 
  • Contains two chapters for each disorder: one on resources that offers scholarly and research background and one on resources that describe practical procedures and protocols that save the clinician’s preparation time 
  • Includes access to a PluralPlus companion website which allows clinicians to view, modify, and print the assessment protocols for their personal use

New to the Fourth Edition:

  • Lecture slides for instructors on the PluralPlus companion website
  • A new section on the assessment of voice in transgender and gender diverse adolescents
  • A new section on selective mutism in bilingual children, included in alternative and integrated assessment of ethnoculturally diverse children
  • All normative tables placed in relevant chapter appendices for quick access 
  • The content has been updated throughout to reflect the current state of research
  • Updated diagnostic features of all childhood communication disorders
  • All protocols streamlined and edited for precision (in book and on website)
  • Updated resources for commonly used assessment instruments and standardized tests, now available on the companion website
  • All defined and key terms are now bolded 
  • Simplified writing style and reduced redundancy for increased readability and comprehension


"This book covers the needs of children with communication disorders and the processes necessary to complete high-quality assessments. It covers all aspects of assessments for children of all ages, ethnicities, and cultural backgrounds. The website materials include helpful lecture slides for instructors.
The purpose is to provide clinicians with both scholarly information on disorders of communication as well as practical protocols for assessing them. The book addresses multicultural issues, with chapters on literacy and a wide variety of voice disorders.
Students, faculty, and speech-language pathologists in schools and clinics will benefit from referring to this book anytime they have a need for up-to-date information on assessing children. The authors went to great lengths to include the most recent research and clinical information. This is one of those books that speech-language pathologists will reference throughout their careers.
The book reviews each type of disorder completely, whether it be speech sound production or complex communication needs. All of the chapters are well written. There is no single chapter that is better than another.
I love this book! The authors include the tried-and-true areas of assessments as well as the new areas. The needs of the child undergoing assessment are met in both basic and complex ways. Each area is carefully attended to enable students, clinicians, and others to identify what is best for the child."
—Lorelei J. Peirson, MA, Biola University, in Doody's Book Reviews (July 2021)

Creating Child-Specific Assessment Packages with Protocols on the Companion Website 

Part I. Foundations of Assessment 

Chapter 1. Assessment of Communication Disorders in Children 
Assessment, Evaluation, and Diagnosis 
Written Case History 
The Initial Clinical Interview 
Hearing Screening 
Orofacial Examination 
Diadochokinetic Tasks 
Speech-Language Sample 
Standardized Assessment Instruments 
Alternative and Integrated Assessment Procedures 
Assessment of Children With Complex Communication Needs
Assessment of Literacy Skills 
Postassessment Counseling 
Assessment Report 
Chapter Summary
Study Questions

Chapter 2. Common Assessment Protocols 
Notes to the Clinician
Common Protocol 1: Child Case History 
Common Protocol 2: Developmental Milestones from 0 to 4 Years of Age 
Instructions for Conducting the Orofacial Examination: Observations and Implications
Common Protocol 3: Orofacial Examination and Hearing Screening 
Common Protocol 4: Diadochokinetic Assessment 
Common Protocol 5: Speech-Language Sample Transcription 
Common Protocol 6: Language Sample Analysis Protocol: Syntactic, Morphological, and Pragmatic Skills
Common Protocol 7: Assessment Report Outline

Chapter 3. Standardized Assessment 
Standardized and Norm-Referenced Tests 
Test Construction 
Questionnaires and Developmental Inventories 
Strengths of Standardized Tests 
General Limitations of Standardized Tests 
Specific Limitations of Standardized Tests in Assessing Ethnoculturally Diverse Children
Prudent Use of Standardized Tests 
Chapter Summary
Study Questions

Chapter 4. Alternative and Integrated Assessment 
Assessment in Ethnoculturally Diverse Societies 
Can Speech-Language Assessment Be Culture-Free? 
Assessment of African American Children 
General Strategies for Assessing Bilingual Children
Assessment of Asian American Children 
Assessment of Hispanic American Children
Assessment of Native American Children
Alternative Assessment Approaches 
Behavioral Assessment 
Criterion-Referenced and Client-Specific Assessment 
Authentic Assessment 
Dynamic Assessment 
A Comprehensive and Integrated Assessment Approach
Chapter Summary
Study Questions

Part II. Assessment of Speech Sound Production 

Chapter 5. Assessment of Speech Sound Production: Resources 
Overview of Speech Sound Production 
Classification of Speech Sounds
Normative Data on Speech Sound Learning
Phonological Analysis of Speech Sounds 
Speech Sound Disorders
Language Disorders and Speech Sound Disorders 
Dysarthria Associated With Cerebral Palsy 
Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Hearing Loss and Speech Sound Disorders 
Overview of Assessment of Speech Sound Production 
Screening for Speech Sound Disorders 
Standardized Norm-Referenced Tests of Speech Sound Production
Criterion-Referenced Assessment 
Speech and Language Samples 
Stimulability of Speech Sounds 
Analysis and Integration of Assessment Results 
Diagnostic Criteria and Differential Diagnosis 
Postassessment Counseling
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Chapter 6. Assessment of Speech Sound Production: Protocols 
Notes to the Clinician 
Speech Sound Assessment Protocol 1: Interview 
Speech Sound Assessment Protocol 2: Phonetic Inventory Analysis 
Speech Sound Assessment Protocol 3: Manner-Place-Voicing Analysis 
Speech Sound Assessment Protocol 4: Consonant Clusters Inventory 
Speech Sound Assessment Protocol 5: Phonological Patterns 
Speech Sound Assessment Protocol 6: Childhood Apraxia of Speech 
Speech Sound Assessment Protocol 7: Dysarthric Speech 
Selected Multicultural Assessment Protocols 
Speech Sound Assessment Protocol 8: African American English Speech Sounds 
Speech Sound Assessment Protocol 9: Asian American English Speech Sounds 
Speech Sound Assessment Protocol 10: Spanish-Influenced English Speech Sounds 

Part III. Assessment of Language Skills in Children 

Chapter 7. Assessment of Language Skills in Children: Resources 
Prevalence of Language Disorders in Children 
Overview of Language Disorders in Children
Description of Language Disorders in Children 
Specific Language Impairment 
Variables Associated With Language Disorders 
Overview of Assessment of Language Disorders 
Screening for Language Disorders 
Language Sampling 
Integrating Alternative Assessment Techniques 
Assessment of Language Understanding 
Standardized Language Diagnostic Tests 
Analysis and Integration of Assessment Results 
Differential Diagnosis of Child Language Disorders 
Postassessment Counseling 
Chapter Summary
Study Questions

Chapter 8. Assessment of Language Skills: Protocols 
Notes to the Clinician 
Language Assessment Protocol 1: Interview 
Language Assessment Protocol 2: Normal Language 
Language Assessment Protocol 3: Task-Specific Assessment of Basic Vocabulary 
Language Assessment Protocol 4: Task-Specific Assessment of Grammatical Morphemes 
Language Assessment Protocol 5: Task-Specific Assessment of Conversational Skills
Language Assessment Protocol 6: Task-Specific Assessment of Narrative and Discourse Skills
Language Assessment Protocol 7: Behavioral Assessment 
Selected Multicultural Assessment Protocols
Language Assessment Protocol 8: African American English (AAE) Language 
Language Assessment Protocol 9: Asian American English Language 
Language Assessment Protocol 10: Spanish-Influenced English Language 

Part IV. Assessment of Fluency 

Chapter 9. Assessment of Fluency Disorders: Resources 
Speech Fluency 
Disorders of Fluency 
Definition and Measurement of Stuttering 
Additional Features of Stuttering 
Analysis and Integration of Assessment Results 
Differential Diagnosis of Fluency Disorders 
Postassessment Counseling 
Chapter Summary
Study Questions

Chapter 10. Assessment of Fluency Disorders: Protocols 
Notes to the Clinician 
Fluency Assessment Protocol 1: Interview 
Fluency Assessment Protocol 2: Dysfluency Measurement 
Fluency Assessment Protocol 3: Associated Motor Behaviors 
Fluency Assessment Protocol 4: Avoidance Behaviors 
Fluency Assessment Protocol 5: Cluttering 

Part V. Assessment of Voice 

Chapter 11. Assessment of Voice: Resources 
Prevalence of Voice Disorders in Children 
Children’s Voice Disorders 
Etiologic Factors Associated With Voice Disorders 
The Need for Medical Evaluation 
Assessment of Voice Production 
Instrumental Evaluation 
Laryngeal Imaging 
Clinical Assessment of Voice 
Stimulability of Voice Production 
Assessment of Voice in Ethnoculturally Diverse Children 
Assessment of Voice in Transgender and Gender Diverse Adolescents
Analysis and Integration of Assessment Results 
Differential Diagnosis of Voice Disorders 
Postassessment Counseling 
Chapter Summary
Study Questions

Chapter 12. Assessment of Voice: Protocols 
Notes to the Clinician 
Voice Assessment Protocol 1: Interview 
Voice Assessment Protocol 2: Vocal Abuse and Misuse Inventory 
Voice Assessment Protocol 3: Child Voice Evaluation 
Voice Assessment Protocol 4: Resonance and Velopharyngeal Function 
Voice Assessment Protocol 5: Voice Stimulability 

Part VI. Assessment of Children With Complex Communication Needs 

Chapter 13. Assessment of Children With Complex Communication Needs: Resources
An Overview of Children With Complex Communication Needs 
The Assessment Team 
Assessment of Children With Complex Communication Needs 
Case History and Interview 
Orofacial Examination and Hearing Screening 
Parent-Completed Questionnaires
Standardized and Criterion-Referenced Instruments 
Systematic Quantitative and Qualitative Observations 
Assessment of Receptive Language 
Assessment of Extant Verbalizations 
Assessment for Augmentative and Alternative Communication 
Analysis and Integration of Assessment Results 
Prognosis for Developing Verbal Communication 
Postassessment Counseling 
Chapter Summary
Study Questions

Chapter 14. Assessment of Children With Complex Communication Needs: Protocols
Notes to the Clinician 
Children With Complex Communication Needs Assessment Protocol 1: Interview 
Children With Complex Communication Needs Assessment Protocol 2: Verbalizations, Signs, and Gestures
Children With Complex Communication Needs Assessment Protocol 3: Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment of Nonverbal Expressive Communication
Children With Complex Communication Needs Assessment Protocol 4: Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment of Nonverbal Receptive Communication
Children With Complex Communication Needs Assessment Protocol 5: Interaction Between Communication Partners and the Child

Chapter 15. Assessment for Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems
AAC Systems
AAC System Assessment 
The Role of Speech-Language Pathologists 
Resources for the Clinician 
AAC Changing Perspectives 
Revised Participation Model 
Analysis and Integration of Assessment Results 
Postassessment Counseling 
Chapter Summary
Study Questions

Part VII. Literacy 

Chapter 16. A Primer on Literacy Assessment 
Language Disorders and Literacy Problems 
Emergent Literacy and Home Environment
Emergent Literacy Skill Acquisition 
Assessment of Emergent Literacy Skills 
Assessment of Reading and Writing
Integrating Language and Literacy Skill Assessment 
Chapter Summary
Study Questions


M.N. Hegde

M. N. Hegde, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of Speech-Language Pathology in the Department of Communicative Disorders at California State University, Fresno. A highly regarded and proficient author in speech-language pathology, his books include leading texts for academic courses and valuable resources for practicing clinicians. Dr. Hegde enjoys world renown as a researcher, presenter, contributor of original articles to leading national and international journals, and is also the critically acclaimed author of more than two dozen highly regarded books in speech-language pathology. He has edited more than 25 books for different publishers and is on the editorial board of several scientific journals and has been a guest editor of international journals. He also has served on the editorial boards of scientific and professional journals and continues to serve as an editorial consultant to the Journal of Fluency Disorders and the American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.

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Frances Pomaville

Frances Pomaville, PhD, is a speech-language pathologist and Associate Professor in the Communicative Sciences and Deaf Studies Department at California State University, Fresno. She currently serves as the department's Graduate Coordinator. She has extensive clinical experience in schools, hospitals, and private practice. Prior to accepting a faulty position at California State University, Fresno, Dr. Pomaville was the Director of Clinical Services at San Joaquin Valley Rehabilitation Hospital. She has published in the Journal of Speech, language, and Hearing Research and the Journal of Voice. Dr. Pomaville is a clinical supervisor and teaches undergraduate and graduate level classes on the topics of diagostic procedures, anatomy and physiology, voice disorders, traumatic brain injury, motor speech disorders, and dysphagia. She is a past recipient of the California Speech, Language, and Hearing Association's Fellow of the Association Award, the District 5 Oustanding Achievement Award and Outstanding Service Award, and Fresno State's Outstanding Faculty Award.

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Assessment of Communication Disorders in Children: Resources and Protocols, Fourth Edition comes with access to supplementary student and instructor materials on a PluralPlus companion website.


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