Deaf / Hard of Hearing / Hearing Disorders

Introduction to Audiologic Rehabilitation: Facilitating Communication Across the Lifespan

Eighth Edition

Ronald L. Schow
Michael A. Nerbonne
Gabriel A. Bargen
Kristina M. Blaiser
Chris A. Sanford

Deaf Culture: Exploring Deaf Communities in the United States

Second Edition

Irene W. Leigh
Jean F. Andrews
Raychelle L. Harris
Topher González Ávila

Auditory-Verbal Therapy: Science, Research, and Practice

First Edition

Warren Estabrooks
Helen McCaffrey Morrison
Karen MacIver-Lux

Adult Audiologic Rehabilitation

Third Edition

Joseph J. Montano
Jaclyn B. Spitzer

Assessing Listening and Spoken Language in Children with Hearing Loss

First Edition

Tamala S. Bradham
K. Todd Houston

The Deaf Child in a Hearing Family: Nurturing Development

First Edition

Arthur Boothroyd
Janice Gatty

Cued Speech and Cued Language for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children

First Edition

Carol LaSasso
Kelly Lamar Crain
Jacqueline Leybaert

Your Child's Hearing Loss: A Guide for Parents

First Edition

Debby Waldman
Jackson Roush

Early Development of Children with Hearing Loss

First Edition

Susan Nittrouer