Thierry Morlet

Thierry Morlet, PhD is a Senior Research Scientist and Head of the Auditory Physiology and Psychoacoutics Laboratory at the Nemours / Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children, Director of the Auditory Neuropathy program at Nemours, Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Cognitive Science, College of Arts and Science at the University of Delaware, Adjunct Professor in Communication Sciences and Disorders, College of Health Sciences at the University of Delaware, and Adjunct Faculty at the Georges Osborne College of Audiology, Salus University. With a PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Lyon (France), Dr. Morlet has a broad background in human auditory and vestibular physiology and has extensively studied otoacoustic emissions, efferent auditory pathways and event-related potentials in the normally functioning and diseased auditory systems of children and adults. He is a member of the cochlear implant program, the “Hear We Go” 5K run/walk committee and the auditory processing disorder program at Nemours, and is the chairperson of the Nemours Lectures on Pediatric Research. He has authored or co-authored more than 55 articles on the development of hearing, pediatric hearing loss, vestibular and balance disorders, auditory processing disorders, auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder and inner ear malformations and is a co-editor of the “Manual of Pediatric Balance Disorders”.
Books by Thierry Morlet
Manual of Pediatric Balance Disorders.
First Edition
Manual of Pediatric Balance Disorders
Second Edition