Ronald L. Schow

Ronald L. Schow, PhD is professor emeritus at Idaho State University (ISU) where he has been a member of the faculty since 1975.  He earned his Ph.D. at Northwestern University where his major advisor was Raymond Carhart who started the first training program in audiology at NU in 1947.  In 1980 he and Mike Nerbonne edited the first edition of this text and since that time have been leaders in Audiologic Rehabilitation. He is a charter member of the International Collegium of Rehabilitative Audiology (ICRA) and an ASHA Fellow. Ron also has made major contributions in self-assessment and auditory processing disorders (APD).  He led an effort to do a national normative study on APD and with Academic Therapy Publications (ATP) and coauthors they published MAPA-2 in 2018. ATP provides a commercial version of the CD and supportive materials for MAPA-2.  Ron continues to be involved in audiology with a grandson now majoring in the ISU AuD program. He still enjoys his hobbies of hiking, travel and family activities.

Books by Ronald L. Schow