Robert M. Traynor

Robert M. Traynor, EdD, MBA, FNAP, has been the owner and CEO of Audiology Associates of Greeley, Inc. in Greeley, Colorado, since 1972. Dr. Traynor holds degrees from the University of Northern Colorado (BA, 1972; MA, 1973; EdD, 1975) and the University of Phoenix (MBA, 2006), as well as postdoctoral study in audiology at Northwestern University (1984). He was a professor of audiology at the University of Northern Colorado (1973-1982) and the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (1976-77) and directed the audiology program at Colorado State University from 1982 to 1993. He served 20 years in the U.S. Army Reserve as a military audiologist retiring as a Lt. Colonel in 1998. Currently, Dr. Traynor serves as an adjunct professor of audiology at the University of Florida, the University of Colorado-Boulder, and the University of Northern Colorado. In addition to his practice and academic responsibilities, he was the Senior International Audiology Consultant to a major hearing instrument manufacturer for 17 years, lecturing in over 45 countries on all aspects of audiology and providing product orientation for distributors and staff. In 2011, Dr. Traynor became a founding member and Section Editor for Hearing International at The Blogs at Hearing Health and Technology Matters. In 2014, he was the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Colorado Academy of Audiology, and in 2017, he was inducted into the Audiology Academy of the National Academies of Practice. He is the 2017 Chair of the Board of Governors for the American Board of Audiology. Dr. Traynor is well known for his contributions to the field of audiology as a professor, consultant, clinician, and practice manager for over 40 years.