Peiyun Zhuang
Dr. Zhuang obtained her medical degree in Clinical Medicine from Fujian Medical University and Master degree in Voice Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison,United States. Her training in voice medicine was undertaken at the School of Medicine,Drexel University,United States. Subsequent to her graduation, she established the Department of Voice Medicine at Zhongshan Hospital of Xiamen University with a focus on clinical practice, scientific research, and treatment of patients with voice disorders. Dr. Zhuang is currently the Director of the Department of Voice Medicine at Zhongshan Hospital of Xiamen University, Director of the Institute of Voice Medicine of the School of Medicine,Xiamen University, Director of Xiamen Key Laboratory of Voice, Chairman of the Otorhinolaryngology Committee and the Voice Specialist Committee of the Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine, Vice-Chairman of the Voice Medicine division of the Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, and a Standing Committee Member of the Advisory Board,The Voice Foundation.
Books by Peiyun Zhuang
Laryngeal Electromyography: Case Studies
First Edition