Melanie W. Hudson

Melanie W. Hudson, MA, CCC-SLP, has over 40 years of experience as a speech-language pathologist in public schools, private practice, and university settings. She currently serves on the ASHFoundation Board of Trustees and served on the ASHA Board of Directors from 2016–2018, the Board of Ethics, the Board of Special Interest Group Coordinators, and on the Ad Hoc Committees on Governance Review in 2018, and Supervision in 2013. Her publications include co-editor and chapter author for the 4th edition of Professional Issues in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, (Lubinski & Hudson; Delmar, Cengage Learning, 2013) , the 5th edition (Hudson & DeRuiter, Plural Publishing, 2020), and the most recent 6th edition (Hudson & DeRuiter, Plural Publishing, 2025). She is a former President of the Georgia Speech-Language and Hearing Association and served on the Georgia Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology from 2013–2020. Melanie is an ASHA Fellow and Board-Certified Specialist in Child Language and Disorders. She presents on topics related to school-based services, clinical education, and professional ethics. She recently retired from EBS Healthcare and resides in Williamsburg, Virginia.