Jane B. Seaton

Jane B. Seaton, MS, CCC-A/SLP, consultant in audiology and communication disorders, has spent more than 40 years working with families and children with significant hearing and listening challenges. She developed and administered a model regional educational program for deaf and hard of hearing students and has professional experience in the field of pediatric and educational audiology in university, pubic health, hospital, and public school settings. Ms. Seaton received an undergraduate degree from Northwestern University, a master’s degree from the University of Michigan, and continued her post-graduate education at the Universities of Akron, Washington, and Georgia. She has been an invited speaker and writer in the field of educational audiology and served as an early intervention specialist and stakeholder for Georgia’s Early Hearing Detection and Intervention program for 25 years.
Books by Jane B. Seaton
Educational Audiology Handbook.
Second Edition
Educational Audiology Handbook.
Third Edition
Educational Audiology Handbook
Fourth Edition