Betsy Partin Vinson

Betsy Partin Vinson, MMedSc, CCC-SLP is a Clinical Professor in the Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences at the University of Florida. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (1975) and her Master of Medical Sciences (1976) degrees from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. As a clinician and clinical supervisor, she specialized in the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities. Her primary interest was oral-motor disorders causing feeding problems in these individuals, and she has served as a consultant in this specialty for Alachua, Bradford, and Clay County school systems in Florida. She is the author of Language Disorders Across the Lifespan (3ed edition, 2012), Preschool and School-Age Language Disorders (2012), Handbook of Workplace Skills for Speech-Language Pathologists(2009), and Essentials of Speech-Language Pathology (2001). She also co-edited Organic Voice Disorders: Assessment and Treatmentwith Sam Brown, Ph.D., and Michael Crary, Ph.D. She has taught numerous courses at UF and served as the Director of Clinical Education for 22 years before becoming the Program Director and Graduate Coordinator for the SLP programs. She is also a co-coordinator of the undergraduate program in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences.