Balance Function Assessment and Management.
Second Edition
Gary P. Jacobson, Neil T. Shepard
Details: 904 pages, B&W, Hardcover, 8.5" x 11"
ISBN13: 978-1-59756-547-9
© 2016 | Available
A new edition will be released in January!
Balance Function Assessment and Management, Second Edition with seven new chapters, continues to comprehensively address the assessment and treatment of balance system impairments through contributions from top experts in the areas of dizziness and vertigo. Designed for use in graduate audiology programs and by practicing audiologists, this is also a valuable text for those in the fields of physical therapy, otolaryngology, and neurology.
Assessment chapters focus on ocular motility testing, positional/positioning testing, caloric testing, rotational testing, computerized dynamic posturography, and vestibular evoked potentials. Treatment chapters examine nonmedical, medical, and surgical treatments of dizziness and vertigo, vestibular rehabilitation, and assessment of and intervention for risk of falls. Additionally, this text provides background information on the vestibular and ocular motor systems with corresponding sample cases.
New topics addressed in this edition include:
- Development of the vestibular system
- Central compensation following peripheral vestibular system impairment
- Video head impulse test (vHIT)
- Biomechanics and physiology of balance
- Electrocochleography (ECochG)
- Pediatric vestibular system and balance assessment
- Effects of age on the vestibular and balance systems
An added bonus to the second edition is the PluralPlus companion website that offers additional reference materials, such as video clips, associated with the text.
Sample video from the companion website: Shown is the direct eye movement examination in the following order; fixation present, fixation removed, and finally head-shake testing. The patient is a 77-years-old female with diagnosis of right vestibular hypofunction secondary to vestibular-neuronitis.
"Balance Function Assessment and Management, edited by Drs. Gary Jacobson and Neil Shepard, is a well written textbook and necessary resource covering all aspects of balance function and remediation. Substantial advancements in vestibular and balance assessment and management practices over the past seven years justified editions to the first publication. This book encompasses all aspects of vestibular and balance sciences, both basic and clinical and now includes 34 chapters (904 pages). True to the first edition, all new contributions were written by experts in the field in a concise yet lucid manner that students and clinicians alike will understand. Similarly, almost all of the chapters included from the first edition were extensively updated with significant improvements to the content, tables, and figures.
This text is well researched, with comprehensive and appropriate references for further review. In addition, the videos supplied on the companion website are effective supplemental learning tools for the clinical concepts discussed throughout the text. Moreover, nearly all chapters provide clinical cases or clinical examples to reinforce clinical decisions for best care. Overall, this is an excellent compilation of the most state- of-the art assessment and management topics and techniques that I will most certainly include for my graduate students and for my own reference in clinical practice."
—Julie Honaker, PhD, Depart of Special Education and Communication Disorders, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, in the International Journal of Audiology (2015)
"To summarize, this book provides a comprehensive review of topics in assessment of balance and vestibular function, as well as management options of vertigo and imbalance. The contents are up to date and it can be a resourceful text for audiologists, otolaryngologists, neurologists and other clinicians who may have an interest in this field."
—Guangwei Zhou, Balance and Vestibular Program, Department of Otolaryngology & Communication Enhancement, Boston Children's Hospital at Waltham,in the International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology (April 2016)
"...There are welcome, entirely new chapters on the development of the vestibular system balance and vestibular compensation. A revised assessment section includes a new chapter on electrocochleography as well as an excellent introduction and summary of paediatric vestibular testing. Chapters on computerised dynamic posturography have been supplemented with additional information on biomechanics and the physiology of balance. Gone is active rotation testing and in its place a comprehensive chapter on video head impulse testing which includes a useful trouble-shooting section. Other new content includes a chapter on the topographical localisation of vestibular impairment with some excellent clear diagrams, providing a useful link back to the first chapter on anatomy and physiology. The chapter on psychiatric dizziness has been revised and renamed, detailing the contribution and inter-relationship of behavioural and psychological factors in dizziness. In a world where we are seeing increasing numbers of elderly people with dizziness (often associated with other co-morbidities) it was pleasing to see that the section on rehabilitation in this population extended to two chapters to include a focus on the aging vestibular system..."
—Fiona Barker, Windsor Audiology Centre, Princess Margaret Hospital, Berks, UK., in ENT & Audiology News (2016)
List of Videos
About the Editors
Chapter 1. Practical Anatomy and Physiology of the Vestibular System
- Michael C. Schubert and Neil T. Shepard
Chapter 2. Practical Anatomy and Physiology of the Ocular Motor System
- Scott D. Z. Eggers
Chapter 3. Ontogeny of the Vestibular System and Balance
- Timothy A. Jones and Sherri M. Jones
Chapter 4. Clinical Neurophysiology of Vestibular Compensation
- Kamran Barin
Chapter 5. Eye Movement Recording Techniques
- Gary P. Jacobson, Neil T. Shepard, Devin L. McCaslin, Erin G. Piker, and J. Andrew Dundas
Chapter 6. The Vertigo Case History
- Lauren T. Roland, Belinda C. Sinks, and Joel A. Goebel
Chapter 7. Bedside Assessment of the Vestibular System
- Devin L. McCaslin, J. Andrew Dundas, and Gary P. Jacobson
Chapter 8. Assessing Dizziness Related Quality of Life
- Gary P. Jacobson, Craig W. Newman, and Erin G. Piker
Chapter 9. Background and Technique of Ocular Motility Testing
- Neil T. Shepard and Michael C. Schubert
Chapter 10. Interpretation and Usefulness of Ocular Motility Testing
- Neil T. Shepard, Michael C. Shubert, and Scott D.Z. Eggers
Chapter 11. Technique and Interpretation of Positional Testing
- Richard A. Roberts
Chapter 12. Background and Technique of Caloric Testing
- Kamran Barin
Chapter 13. Interpretation and Usefulness of Caloric Testing
- Kamran Barin
Chapter 14. Background and Introduction to Whole-Body Rotational Testing
- Adam M. Goulson, James H. McPherson, and Neil T. Shepard
Chapter 15. Clinical Utility and Interpretation of Whole-Body Rotation
- Neil T. Shepard, Adam M. Goulson, and James H. McPherson
Chapter 16. The Video Head Impulse Test (vHIT)
- Ian S. Curthoys, Hamish G. MacDougall, Leigh A. McGarvie, Konrad P. Weber, David Szmulewicz, Leonardo Manzari, Ann M. Burgess, and G. Michael Halmagyi
Chapter 17. Practical Mechanics and Physiology of Balance
- Lewis M. Nashner
Chapter 18. Computerized Dynamic Posturography
- Lewis M. Nashner
Chapter 19. Interpretation and Usefulness of Computerized Dynamic Posturography
- Neil T. Shepard
Chapter 20. Vestibular Sensory-Evoked Potentials
- Sherri M. Jones and Timothy A. Jones
Chapter 21. Vestibular-Evoked Myogenic Potentials (VEMPs)
- Devin L. McCaslin and Gary P. Jacobson
Chapter 22. Tests of Otolith Function and Vestibular Perception
- Adolfo M. Bronstein
Chapter 23. Electrocochleography (ECochG)
- Paul R. Kilney
Chapter 24.Topological Localization of Vestibular System Impairment
- Gary P. Jacobson, Devin L. McCaslin, Erin G. Piker, Jill M. Gruenwald, Sarah L. Grantham, and Lauren L. English
Chapter 25. Pediatric Vestibular Testing
- Kristen Janky and Neil T. Shepard
Chapter 26. Nonmedical Management of Positional Vertigo
- Richard A. Clendaniel
Chapter 27. Medical Management of Vertigo That Is Otologic in Origin
- Brian Neff and R. Mark Wiet
Chapter 28. Surgical Management of Vertigo That Is Otologic in Origin
- Steven A. Telian and R. Mark Wiet
'Chapter 29. Neurologic Origins of Dizziness and Vertigo
- Joseph M. Furman and Susan L. Whitney
Chapter 30. Behavioral Factors in Dizziness and Vertigo
- Jeffrey P. Staab
Chapter 31. Vestibular Rehabilitation
- Susan L. Whitney and Joseph M. Furman
Chapter 32. The aging Vestibular System: Implications for Rehabilitation
- Courtney D. Hall and Dara Meldrum
Chapter 33. Multifactorial Assessment of Falls Risk in the Elderly
- Gary P. Jacobson and Devin L. McCaslin
Chapter 34. Within and Between Measure Relationships Between Balance Function Tests - Illustrative Cases
- Gary P. Jacobson, Devin L. McCaslin, Sarah L. Grantham, and Neil T. Shepard
Purchasers of this book receive complimentary access to additional materials hosted on a PluralPlus companion website.
To access the materials, log in to the website using the URL and passcode located inside the front cover of your copy of Balance Function Assessment and Management, Second Edition.

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