Companion Website

Companion Website

This companion website is designed to provide instructors with PowerPoint lectures and multiple-choice examination questions for each chapter and the keys to the examination questions. These lectures are based on a 15-week semester. As an instructor, I tend to prefer having each PowerPoint slide stand on its own, rather than using outlines. Consequently, my slides are perhaps more wordy than most. I pilot-tested these lectures in my master's level class of 30 graduate students. I sent the lectures in advance of each class by Blackboard. The students seemed to like the format of the lectures and reported that they found the slides to be user-friendly for their study.

There are a total of 100 multiple-choice examination questions which I also pilot-tested in the same class of graduate students. Rather than require a midterm and a final examination, I used the examinations after each chapter to test the students' knowledge. At the end of the class, students reported to me that they preferred having a series of examinations after each unit of study because of the amount of material in the course. Instructors using this site may wish to add short-answer essays to their examinations to evaluate student writing skills as well. I have found that graduate students sometimes have difficulty mastering the fine art of answering multiple choice questions and, hence, my emphasis on this test format was to familiarize students with the types of questions they may encounter on national examinations. I added group projects, case histories and research projects to the overall evaluation to assess critical writing and thinking skills.

Instructors may also wish to approach the lectures from the perspective of teaching the chapters on the disorders first and then teaching from the chapters on the contemporary issues in the profession. I have infused research on multicultural issues throughout the book. Chapters One and Two discuss ethnobiological issues exclusively and can be also taught first to set a particular tone of openness to diversity issues in a course on adult neurogenic disorders.

Joan C. Payne

Contact Us

We invite your reactions to both, "Adult Neurogenic Language Disorders Assessment and Treatment. A Comprehensive Ethnobiological Approach, 2nd. Ed.", and this site. Please feel free to call Plural Publishing, Inc. at 858-492-1555 with your questions and your suggestions for improving the book and the instructor resources or student study sites. Please include the phrase "Adult Neurogenic Language Disorders Assessment and Treatment" in the subject line of your e-mail message(s). Additionally, do not hesitate to email us at if you need help or have comments to pass along. We look forward to hearing from you!